
How great (read: hilariously improbable) would it be if Arya stole Ed Sheeran's face, and Sheeran had to act his ass off the rest of the season pretending to be Arya pretending to be a soldier.

Sam to be "Wiped Off". I see what you did there…

Nope, still childishly excited for every scene that Lady Mormont is in.

What a wild ride this show has been. Loved every second of it. I personally believe Nora's story was fabricated. 1st because any phenomenon that immediately strips the world of 98% of humans would lead to profound calamity and chaos that would be hard to recover from.
2nd and more importantly I found it more genuinely

Classic Manimal.
But glad to hear you and your girls enjoyed it! The outpouring of positive reviews of the movie continues. I might just make a sunday afternoon out of it and see it in the theatres.

So I've kind of given up on DC live action movies (and after seeing The Killing Joke I may need to reassess my policy on the animated films as well), so the odds of me seeing this movie are low. That being said I'm ecstatic, if a little skeptical, about the sheer amount of praise the movie has received thus far but if

Ooompf. Right in the feels. Seeing these characters working through their respective grief and coming to a place where they finally find the resolve to let go really shook me to the core. Whether right or wrong, that was a powerful episode of television. Things are shaping up for Kevin to have quite the reunion with a

Like a lot of people (i think) I've been scratching my head about the whole Gloria vs Automated Sensors recurring bit. I like this interpretation a lot. Going forward I'll be looking out to see if it holds strong.

After gluttonously watching 4 or 5 episodes of a show, I often find myself thinking, "Man, I really should not be binge watching this. It's definitely effecting my viewing experience." This season of Fargo has me thinking the opposite. I'm watching an episode a week and finding there's just not much of interest to

The movie was anchored enough by good set pieces, music, solid acting, and half-baked philosophical discussions/themes to keep me invested throughout. I'd say a solid B movie. Ironically enough, the movie trips up the worst when it's trying to check off horror movie tropes. As has been echoed by many people commenting

I was caught off guard by this as well =/. Tis a risky game one plays when engaging with an online community about a show. Thankfully this show has so many plot points and virtually no guarantees that any of them will pan out that I think (read:hope) my viewing experience has been minimally impacted by this spoiler.

A phenomenal first step for the season. I guess I underestimated how much I missed this show. Knowing this is going to be an 8 episode final season means I need to preemptively throw away any hope of the show "tying up loose ends" and just enjoy the ride. Sheesh now I'm reminded of that painfully annoying season 2

Cool concept. Cool enough methinks fory my resident Nintendo die hard friend to pick this up when it comes out so I can play it the appropriate amount of times I tend to play most Nintendo games as of late: something like three times a month.

My sense of it was it was an amateur(read:hilariously botched) job of trying to anonymously find out where paper-boi lives. Connect that with the strange looks paper boi was getting from that man at the gas station, and the several nods to gun violence in the episode and I'm lead to believe that the purpose of finding

Sheesh. Last night's episode of Game of Thrones was a masterclass in anticlimax. Impressively so, now that I think about. Everything just resolved in a more or less unsatisfying way. The resolution to the Waif conflict. The demise of Blackfish. The parting of ways of Jaime and Bri. The Hounds quest for vengeance.

Don't worry, everyone! Arya didn't just get (what SHOULD almost certainly be) fatally shanked 3 or 4 times. The show clearly is pulling one of those 'bad dream/wake up in a cold sweat' tropes. Since Arya hasn't woken up yet we can safely assume that the rest of her plot this season will be null and void until she

Yeah seems a bit far fetched to me. Especially considering the way that Arya comes to meet Jaqen, and save his life. On a sidenote I would love to see Arya utilize elements of both water dancing and…whatever the hell she learned from the assassin guild from here on out going forward.

Whoa I never heard of that fan theory. Very interesting. I mean I'd totally be down for that. Have people pointed to anything in the show that would suggest this? Or would it be the kind of reveal that feels cheap and unearned?

My ears shot up when I heard them mentioned. I had 100% forgotten about them and was suddenly reminded how pumped I was when they were originally introduced and how sad I was that they had quickly faded from the story.

So Arya is still one of the very VERY few characters that I am still foolishly deeply invested in, so I was naturally very interested in how the assassin in training plot would develop. Unfortunately it has been bordering "Three eye raven" plot levels of meandering so if this prematurely pushes her story along in a