
In the time after Euron was drowned but before he came to and spit the water out, I wished in my heart of hearts to be transported to a reality where Game of Thrones is a dark fantasy black comedy, and that Euron would just be dead from that frighteningly irrational and dangerous ritual. Le sigh.

Hmmm interesting. I had taken that question to be another way of asking Arya if she wanted to kill the other girl. Or the other members of the House for making her go through such brutal training.

Crap I hadn't even considered that as a possibility. I swear by the old gods and the new that if they pit Stark v Stark I will flay the showrunners myself!

Haven't felt this satisfied at the end of a GoT episodes in a hot minute. Seeing Littlefinger again was all kinds of refreshing. Having Osha go out like that did kind of bum me out. The Dany-as-grillmaster scene was a bit much. I think the show could have redone the editing to sell that scene for me but as it stands

Friday Night Lights. I'm willing to chalk this up to me finally sitting down and watching the show at a point in my life where I really couldn't stomach that kind of over-the-top melodrama (even if it is only slightly over-the-top), but the show never really rose to the great heights I expected it to based on the

My friends and I have been glorified Super Smash Brothers fanatics since the n64 version. So, naturally, we utilize about 1% of the levels you can choose from to fight on. But even then, any level that slowly moves up or to the side holds a special place on my shit list (I'm looking at you, Ice Mountain). Presumably

The album certainly was a trudge to get through. I can definitely see some pop hits here and there but the album as a collective work just didn't move me that much. I'm also coming off of checking out Weezer and the Deftones latest albums so I'll give this one some time before reapproaching the album for another

When sir Davos and the wildling looked at each other I was pretty sure they were both gleefully thinking, "here comes the nude sex magic part."

Boy am I glad I stayed up and caught this episode tonight. Social Media tomorrow is gonna be a god damn minefield. Hide yo kindles, hide yo wifi cause they spoilin' everything out here.

Pleasantly surprised with the sheer amount of forward progress we were given in the season opener. And that final scene with Melissandre did the seemingly impossible for me. It made me actually feel sorry for her. To see her overcome with a weariness brought on by a profound shaking of her faith was heartwrenching to

So I've slipped in and out of hate-watching this show probably more times than I thought possible with a show. But man this was a solid season. Even though I've long since given up on Hannah being anything other than a downright deplorable human being, I'm all kinds of excited for next season. Kind of embarrassing to

**inb4 someone who has read the comics comments on how it was such an 'obvious' nod to the wizard story arc from the comics.**

I've started doing this thing wherein when I watch a show that perpetually underperforms (to my arbitrarily set standards for it) I purposely watch it while doing some other task around the apartment. It really curves the needless anger/irritation I would normally feel by the episode's end. Boy was I glad to be

When Sasha and Rosita gave each other that "look" my heart sank. No no NO. Please let this not be the start of some awful passive aggressive love triangle sub plot.

I swear to Joe Pesci, today marks the end of my donations to the college fund of Zack Snyder's grandchildren. The sheer amount of material this movie "had" to cover is tragic. Given less plot points to address, this could have been a competent film. But as it stands it's an egregious mess. And worst of all not even a

Haha agreed. Hopefully hearing this Spiderman in full movie context will help alleviate my initial gut reaction.

This trailer got my hyped as all hell, but somehow I insta-cringed when I heard Spidey speak. I didn't even know in my head I was beholden to a certain kind of Spiderman voice but I guess I am. And Tom Holland is not it.

Aside from the top notch lyricism, flow and general songcraft on display, half of my enjoyment of Untitled Unmastered is seeing its various ties (real or imagined) to the finished product of TPAB. Thinking about how the repeated phrase "Pimp Pimp! (Hooray)" could have been a starting thread to hold together TPAB

I actually think B- is a fair grade. I thought the movie was definitely fun to watch. But a weak plot is a weak plot. I'm very glad that all indicators point to the movie being a financial success!

After Daryl blew up those bikers with the rpg, I thought The Walking Dead had finally decided to embrace its destiny and go full camp. Sadly it didn't. But as far as I am concerned this episode gets a pass for clearing out the Andersons all in 5 minutes. We the audience dodged conservatively 5 or 6 shitty story arcs