
Right?! I guess we'll see how this all plays out. Given the speed of the plot at this point, we may actually know how this will play out sooner than later.

Sheesh. Is Amanda Waller running this suicide squad too? This seems like a ridiculously bad plan. And who in their right mind is supposed to present this to Cersei? Tyrion? What are the odds of the person presenting the white walker staying alive in King's Landing?

She'd make a great zombie giant.

Man. Been waiting to see dragon warfare and it did not disappoint! What a great episode. I'm glad the episode drove home the severe detachment that Bran has undergone since becoming the three eyed raven. Seeing Arya's swordsmanship against Brienne was exhilarating. Even the way Arya lost her sword during the duel but

Either scenario sounds promising to me. Given the speed of the season I'm thinking we will have our answer next episode!

I'll swear an oath to the old gods and the new if they make that happen.

I think things are setting up for the classic Dragon Ball Z trope. I have to imagine Dany is going to go next level and do some Dragon riding carnage to level the playing field again. The real question is what battlefield will she take the dragons. My guess is…Casterly Rock? To fight off Euron's fleet?

whoa really? I guess I forget how quickly after meeting the Starks that they were all split up and left to their own fates, and that much of their familial bond is made implicit than explicit.

I'm actually okay with us gettin the Sansa - Bran reunion this episode while Jon is away. This now reduces the odds of Arya heading home and leaving before meeting up with Jon.
Bran really killed the emotional catharsis that I come to expect from a Stark reunion. What an ass-hat.

With the military gains the Lannisters have made this episode, it's hard to imagine anything other than a vengeful dragon riding Dany coming out to even the odds in the near future. "Be a dragon" now has the weight and resonance of being Lady Olenna's final parting words to Dany. She is now primed to take those words

*Add to the blooper reel wishlist*
Davos to Dany: "This is Jon Snow, knower of nothing, your grace."

Man, this season is still chugging along at a remarkable pace.
Both of the long awaited meetings that took place in the episode were rather underwhelming for me. Anytime a pair of Starks reunite I am prepped to become super emotional, but Bran's newfound three eye raven cryptic demeanor really killed the reunion. It

The greyscale cure plotline seems like something that would be more interesting if the show wasn't now committed to moving a breakneck speed. For me, this whole season is going to be an examination of what plot lines benefited from the shorter episode count and what plotlines suffered.

Someone get on that 'Nymeria as the true Queen of the North with her wolf army' fanfiction, right now!

*after credit scene* Tom Hardy washes up on a beach. He wakes up and makes his way to Saito's Japanese Castle…queue the beginning of Inception. (let the Nolan shared universe begin)

Saw the movie in 70mm. Loved it. As the reviewer points out, the musical score does take precedence over dialogue in this movie. It keeps the tension crazy high for near the whole movie. An astounding feat. As if Zimmer's score is, in an abstract way, subsuming the role of the antagonistic German forces that are

The amount of negativity to come out because of the cameo was pretty shocking to me. All in all I thought it was pretty innocuous. Even the "it's a new one" *nod nod wink wink* which felt like the most out of place part of the whole cameo wasn't to my eye so egregious as to warrant all the negative response.

Works for me.

I second that concern. Also, were the mechanics of the whole face swapping thing ever truly explained? I'm willing to look past the vocal impersonation as something that goes with the whole face swapping process but what about the dimensions of the person being impersonated? Like, if Arya is going to impersonate one

Very interesting. Hadn't even thought of that. I'm still trying to figure out what role Littlefinger is going to play in all of this. I do miss he and Varys and their little jabs at each other. Le sigh.