
Finished the game in one sitting. I was firmly invested in the progression of the game all the way through so kudos for that. Still, I had a little less emotional investment than I thought I would. My interactions with Delilah were for the most part playful yet still fairly platonic so I actually enjoyed the game's

For sure. When I left the theater that was what I thought the movie wanted me to think. I just think it was poorly handled on screen. I would have liked for Adam Driver to have played up the physical fatigue more. Hell, I'd even take simply having Rey be shown to have utilized sword type weapons back on Jakku instead

Well I think we are in agreement that the speed did diminish character development but maybe you take issue with my claim that it didn't *substantially* diminish character development? Which, fair point. My words may have been too lenient on the film. I was more implying that the viewer is given enough character

Exactly. Excluding the "Rey is some sort of Manchurian Candidate Jedi" theory, they should have played up Ren's injury if they wanted us to believe that he could lose to someone untrained with a lightsaber. What's more it would have been such an easy fix. Just have Adam Driver visually getting more and more exhausted

Couldn't agree more. To make matters worse, halfway through the content of MGS V you start rehashing the same mission types over and over with very little variation. Arkham Knight at least had the benefit of side story progression linked to it's side missions.

Man, the Batmobile was trying its damnedest to ruin my playthrough of Arkham Knight.

I struggled with depression in high school and college. It often felt like this nebulous antagonizing force that I had no control over. Video games were a form of catharsis for me. They provided me a completely separate version of autonomy and, most importantly, they often had an identifiable enemy/task/objective that

More surprising than how the dev team absolutely nailed the beat and tone of many horror movie tropes was how enjoyable it was for me to partake in said tropes actively. A great surprise of 2015 that I absolutely loved. Fingers crossed that one day you get around to playing it!

Not to mention some of the best DLC of the year. CD Projekt Red knows what they're doing. Cyberpunk is easily one of my most anticipated games at this point.

No game dethroned Bloodborne in 2015 for me. The Witcher 3 came close. I also found Life is Strange and Until Dawn both incredibly enjoyable (the former being memorable as well). Perhaps the biggest surprise to me for 2015 was just how 'sandboxed' out I have suddenly become. I'm not nearly enjoying Fallout 4 as much

It's a testament to Abrams and company that the breakneck speed of the plot didn't substantially diminish the overall character and setting development. I didn't realize how much I missed just experiencing the Star Wars universe on the big screen. That being said… SPOILERS SPOILERS
The biggest issue for me was just

I read the scene as Mike feeling like the baby Simone in the picture was somehow judging him for his actions with that intense stare. Hence him putting the picture face down.

I kind of liked that the show's "stance" (if there is any sort of definitive stance) on Peggy was left unclear since I think Peggy as a character was at best unclear. For me, her underlying motivations make her sympathetic but the show undercuts that heavily with her delusions and self-absorption. Peggy complaining

I was expecting myself to be more amused by Mike's "promotion" but I too felt oddly sad about it.

Man, I'm gonna miss this insightful comment section. It's like what the internet was supposed to be before global troll saturation.

"People are dead, Peggy…"

Simply stellar season. Rolling that boulder up the hill each week just got a little tougher knowing there isn't an episode of Fargo to look forward to.

When I read the article's title, Kendrick Lamar's "Alright" started playing in my head…

I don't find Whitney Cummings funny at all. What's most unfortunate about this whole situation is that there is no mechanism by which I can avoid watching her stand-up or co-created shows. If only there were some sort of button on my laptop…or on my remote control. Hell even some kind of button on the tv itself that I

Regina King's work on the bridge when she finally reunites with Evie. Where the audience doesn't hear her words, just sees the crazy mixed number of emotions going in and out of her. That was easily one of my favorite scenes of the season.