
What an absolute tour de force this season has been. I suppose an unexpected benefit of accepting that Lindelof would leave more than a few aspects of the story up in the air is that I am quite okay with this being it for the series. I'm just glad I got to experience such a well-made television series. Of course if a

I was very meh concerning the actual opening title sequence for this season, but holy shit could I not stand the vocal styling of the singer for the song. I've never even heard the full song because I can only get through about 10 words before I absolutely have to mute it. Other than that it's been a phenomenal season.

Cross also came out after VII so it's kind of expected that they would improve on the system at least a little. And I agree, the plot in Cross was next level convoluted.

I'll reserve judgment until I get some hands-on time, but I do not envy the position that Square Enix has put themselves in. The switch to a more real-time gameplay design seems like a move to attract first timers to the series at the risk of upsetting that ever so vengeful fan demographic that is always looking for

If the season finale could somehow include Lemmiwinks, I think I could say with 99.99% certainty that my life would be complete.

And bonfire ascetics…oh you beautiful bastards. One of the few times where when I first saw an item I went "why the hell would I use that?" and by the end of my first playthrough I was all "these are amazing, I need more of these"

I completely agree. And it's one thing if you are familiar with the series. Knowing how FromSoft works helped me greatly in my playthrough of Bloodborne. But the barrier of entry for new players can be massive for reasons aside from the difficulty of the game. And to me that's a shame because there is so much good

Given the prominence of the moon in Bloodborne lore I was initially very stunned to not see it in the main game. My jaw dropped to the floor when you see it midway through that one boss cutscene.

The Souls games (including Bloodborne) are rare games in that they don't so much reward you for deep exploration but seem to actively punish you for not exploring. The Souls games are my favorite series of the modern gaming age, but I definitely think the philosophy of being obtuse/cryptic is a legitimate point of

The bloodrock struggle is indeed real.

Very true. And the troubling persistence of predatory microtransactions is still cause for worry. I guess I should say I am cautious but hopeful for the future of DLC content.

The Old Hunters is an incredibly formidable DLC. Probably my favorite from FromSoft. Far more weapons than I had hoped, great level design, by and large good boss fights, and more tidbits of lore to delightfully chew on. Plus the boss fight in the clocktower is easily one of my favorite fights from any Souls game

Possibly? I'd say it is still kind of up in the air at this point (in classic Lendelof fashion). Ugh trying to get past the need for resolution has been quite the task for me in this show.

For some reason when ghost Patti said the girls vanished I just kind of accepted that we weren't going to know their fate. Completely off the radar for me. That reveal took me completely by surprise.

I believe the promos are referring more to the impending havoc that Meg is going to bring to Jarden/Miracle. That's the way I see it at least.

Aside from the opening song (which admittedly is probably a decent song but I absolutely cannot handle the vocal style of the singer) I've felt like the music this season has been on point. And yes, more Carrie Coon please.

Two things I think are at play when it comes to the Guilty Remnant and it's effect on the viewer's experience:
Firstly, I think the somewhat smug way that the GR metaphorically rubs people's guilt in their faces is morally repugnant to most people at a deep deep visceral level. So this is going to tint everyone's view

Even Zombies are becoming Foodies. That show truly does depict the end of the world.

Given this season's more affirmative nod to the supernatural I'm willing to hear that phone conversation Nora had with the scientist about Azrael and not (immediately) laugh it off in tandem with Nora.

Ahh good call. I do feel like the writers may have been overextending a little with that one (it would seem odd for someone to be engaging in secret communications while having their phone not on vibrate and ostensibly hiding their phone somewhere where the ringtone can be heard throughout the house), but I'm willing