
I wanna say yes, though if I recall the cricket noises in the house were not rhythmically consistent the way a cell phone ring would be. This could disprove the theory or it may have just been a cheat by the writers to keep the audience from making the cellphone connection too early.

If it happened at all, the exact mechanics of the sabotage have yet to be revealed. Possibly through plastic explosives?

When I saw the grenade I was reminded of the season 1 episode where Nora was handed a grenade by a member of the GR on her trip to…wherever for her job. So I think that kind of primed me to not think it was gonna explode.

I think this puts us on some sort of Federal Watch list.

I was stone faced when Meg rolled that grenade down the school bus aisle. But that scene with the dog choked me up. Not sure what that say about me…not sure I want to know…

I love that the bus group going to Jarden, Texas was singing "Wade in the Water" which lyrically is a not-so-subtle nod to the tourist obsession with the water of Jarden. Such a song imbuing hope in the form of water could be the motivation Meg saw for sabotaging the spring in episode 1 (if that theory pans out).

The nibblers are just practicing safe zombie reproduction.

Saw blade and a zombie bite? Poor Deanna. No one wants to go out after getting wombo comboed like that.

In some landfill somewhere there is a shredded rewrite of this episode that takes place from the perspective of the ants seen at the beginning. We were robbed of a much more interesting episode.

I definitely think some of the stunt work needs to be improved, though I'm not sure just how much budgetary concerns affect that kind of stuff.A major issue I had with the show was its portrayal of Jessica's "jump". It was all so…hokey (for lack of a better term). Certainly wasn't show ruining but it was definitely

The feast scene in Hook with the Lost Boys. The desperation and jealousy shown on Robin Williams' face as he hungrily watches the Lost Boys enjoying their imaginary meal is enough to make me vicariously hungry. And then when Williams' finally imagines the epic feast in front of him I'm always profoundly jealous I

Well put, good sir! Though if I'm being honest, watching Tree of Life is something I wouldn't wish upon my greatest enemy haha.

Perhaps your memory is better than mine, but has Glenn in the past invoked Maggie as the reason he is helping someone? I don't know, it felt kind of out of character to me for Glenn to say "I'm doing this for Maggie" in response to why he is "helping" Enid.

I think a lot of people (me included) are upset that the show would sacrifice writing quality for such a cheap "cliffhanger".

She was positioned on the outside of the gate on the support beam with only one hand grabbing the wall. It was still a dick thing for Rick to say (and Tara flipping him off was glorious) but I thought the way she was positioned was justifiably risky.

Man this whole Glenn fiasco may have permanently soured my opinion on this show. But at least it was settled swiftly at the start. Having the wall collapse now seems like weird timing. Such a catastrophic event will in all likelihood pause, reset, or outright erase some of the plot points that had been developing

I actually felt like the handling of the other Kilgrave victims was one of the clumsier aspects of the show. Especially since the show seemed primed to handle the topic of trauma with some level of depth and care. People have been making a lot of comparisons to the Daredevil show so it sounds like I need to check that

Just wanted to say thanks for pulling through and delivering these great binge-minded reviews, Ms. Siede!

After laughably attempting to not binge watch Jessica Jones, I succumbed. Very solid show. Some of those action sequences made me cringe, and it felt like the season could have been trimmed down a little but overall a great new addition to Marvel's tv show catalog. One can imagine the dystopian future where ABC

Nailed It.