
Trying real hard not to just bingewatch the crap out of this right now. Great start to the show. Fingers crossed that the show maintains this level of quality (or improves) throughout the season. I'm still warming up to Krysten Ritter's portrayal of the character but I'm interested to see how her portrayal progresses.

Well one of the great things about the Netflix Episodic model is that I can get a "feel" for the show by binge watching a couple episodes in one sitting. Versus waiting a month to get an idea of whether or not the show is for me.
Even when he veers a little too far into 'I'm kind of sort of just a sexist asshole'

If it turns out Glenn is alive I'm going to have the weirdest mixture of unabashed joy and severe disappointment. What a spectacular misstep by the writers.

Understood. Didn't know if it was a name I didn't pick up on earlier in this season or something. Thanks for the clarification! I don't care what the Green Lantern Corps. says. You're okay in my book Mr. Anti-Monitor.

Just curious, I don't read the comics and I keep seeing the name Negan pop up. Is this something that people who read the comics know about or was I not paying enough attention to the episode?

The kicker with the Glenn situation is how dire his situation was when we left him. It would be absurd for him to survive and yet we know from watching tv shows and understanding the way tv shows operate that he has a good chance of being alive. It is this tension that I think makes the Glenn "cliffhanger" feel so

I've seen multiple posts suggesting that what was spoken at the end was "don't". Very interesting. To me it sounded unequivocally like a "help". Could this be the audio version of the blue-black/white-gold dress nonsense?

*Daryl pulls back the branches to find a delivery truck DeLorean with a walker wearing a red down vest in the driver's seat.* The writers missed yet another reasonable Out for their whole Glenn fiasco.

Ya political comment boards can be the absolute worst. I've started to look at political comment boards differently. My initial assumption was that people were going to these boards to further some sort of national or local political dialogue. Now I just think people use it primarily as a means of blowing off steam in

My memory could be wrong, but I want to say I remember Matt and Trey saying something along the lines of they don't want any group (be it liberals, conservatives, religious, atheist, etc.) to feel like South Park is their vessel, so to speak. This very stance being I think best explicitly exemplified in the voting

I facepalmed at that dramatic kissing scene. Not because of the scene per se, but because that scene signified that there would be more screen time dedicated (read:wasted) on… whatever the hell Rick and Jessie have going on. Oy vey.

Presumably Carol, in all her ruthlessly pragmatic glory, was off-screen constructing some sort of meat grinder-esque device (code named 'Sophia 2') to take care of the herd while this yawn-inducing episode was going on.

I did think that the fact that the woman offered him a bullet hinted to the possibility that they had a weapon. But regardless you're absolutely right. Though given that we were just introduced to an Aikido using Forensic Psychiatrist it never really broke my suspension of disbelief.

It was a very powerful scene in my opinion. Both sides unsure of the intentions of the other. And the crucial but ambiguous "thank you" that the woman says that ultimately wakes Morgan up and puts him back on the Eastman's Guide to Ethics plan. We're never made sure whether the "thank you" was for killing the zombie

I wish he had gone out a better way. The way he got bit was really the laziest part of the episode from a writing standpoint. And ya the Alexandrians are too busy putting on their best Star Trek Red Shirt impressions to be interesting. Probably the one thing they're good at.

Though it was very much poetic to have Morgan go from killing two strangers to saving two strangers, I would also love to have those two strangers come back into the story down the line to help out Morgan or something. But if their story were to just end with this episode and we never saw them again that is perfectly

Welp. I guess that's why they're writing shows and I'm here writing internet comments. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Really enjoyed the episode, though I wish more time was spent fleshing out the intricacies in Morgan and Eastman's particular brand of normative ethics. That zombie bite that took out Eastman was shockingly cheap/ridiculous even by Walking Dead standards.
Anyone else slightly put off at the very beginning by the "NOW"

The writers even gave themselves a more sensible (though still kind of unlikely) out. So, okay Nicholas shoots himself and falls off the dumpster. Zombie herd momentarily pays attention to the new flesh on the ground giving Glenn enough time to jump over the fence or something. And it also kind of wraps up Nicholas'

Good catch! Just rewatched the scene. So I guess he cut himself? I suppose that's good news then. The show doesn't seem committed to the idea of zombie blood getting into cuts and orifices and causing someone to turn. At least to the best of my knowledge it hasn't.