
For some reason I had assumed the people had to be covered in Zombie guts and blood? In like a 'you smell like them' kind of way. If any kind of blood will do than that is highly likely to factor into Glen's magical escape.

I see what you're saying and it makes sense that that is what they are going for. But the shots still are highly questionable. The birds eye view shows the zombies eating at something further down Glen's body. Whereas the close up shot shows the zombies eating at something higher up on Glen's body. Even the way Glen

Rick's hand to me is the genuine ambiguous situation in the episode. Especially since we don't see whatever it is that caused the damage to his hand. It's effective because it puts a different spin on his desperation later on in the episode. Not to mention the lines he says to the group over the walkie-talkie. Man the

What really irks me is that the scene is just so badly shot. You can clearly see zombies grabbing flesh around Glen's upper chest/ neck area during the close up of his face. But once the scene switches to birds eye you see them tearing at flesh near Glen's midsection. And as the scene progresses you see the horde

Well…this may be the first time I root for a show's writing to take a well-timed and sharp dip in quality. Having Glen survive this encounter would be absurd to the point of being comical, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want Glen to make it somehow.

Though I agree with the reviewer that the piecemeal flashback-flash forward narrative structure of the episode was kind of hit-or-miss, I am glad the writers used it. One could easily imagine another version of this season where it takes the show to the mid season finale before all the plot points have been explained

"Sometimes they like the same thing but sometimes their tastes diverge". BOOM. Save those kinds of revelations for the end times, Meryl!

Definitely didn't feel like an A episode in my opinion. But it still had it's moments. The look on Morty's face when he realizes the lighthouse man's story was going to be a screenplay was too damn spot on. I was dying.

*grabs popcorn* Can't wait to read this comment section.

while we're on the subject: I didn't play a single game of Gwent in Witcher 3 (bad experience with the card game in Final Fantasy 8 way back). I know you haven't finished the game but in your opinion am I missing out on an amazing section of the game? i.e. is it worth doing another playthrough just to check out the

The price point is a legitimate concern. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and didn't mind paying $60 for the experience. That being said, modern consumers have come to expect a certain amount of content at a certain price point. It certainly does not contain the raw amount of content that games like GTA5 and The Witcher

God dammit I wish I knew about the 'sprint' feature. I even tried pressing every single button on the controller (not knowing the sprint feature required you to hold a button down for a few seconds). I eventually gave up trying to find a run option after having the distinct thought that "surely if they had a sprint

Sometimes it's the little details that the show makes no effort to have the characters point out that really crack me up. Rick opens up the hood of his spaceship to complain about the ridiculously advanced micro-verse battery, all the while the viewer can see that the ship's headlights are just two flashlights taped

The distance they ran with the hilariously insane Ice-T joke almost made up for the lackluster aspects of the episode for me. Even in a show where the audience is prepared to expect random events and characters to weave in and out of the story, there's just something about an element-based Letter species that lives on

Let's not all forget the main takeaway here: a little proper hygiene can go a long way to preventing mind-altering, perception hijacking worm-based parasites from entering your home!

Degrade the brand appeal in the eyes of the public so much that Marvel won't even want the movie rights back. Well played, 20th Century Fox. Well played.

Hearthstone on my tablet has been a solid procrastination tool for me. Time commitments are fairly manageable and you get the full game experience within each bite-sized match.

Rocksteady gambled hard on the Batmobile. At times the gamble paid off, but at other times (read:most) it became an annoyance. Especially since it felt like the Batmobile was being crammed down my throat. **spoilers spoilers** When it gets to the point of descending down walls via cable with a massive armored war

I would really like to research the development of the PC version and the back-and-forth with the publisher. I know the super cynical response of "Well, the publisher set a date and that was that. Whatever form the game was in was how it shipped cause Publishers are evil profit seeking bastards", but I just can't

Persona 4. There's just something cathartic about the life simulator aspects of that game (relationships/getting a job/studying/after school activities). Any lazy summer day invariably brings to my mind the thought, "hmmm maybe I should start a new playthrough of Persona 4".