The Gray Adder

The Second gen Cavalier wss just as bad. I mean, why did GM even bother facelifting it? I got assigned to Fort Drum, N.Y., in 1993. I would routinely sed 1990 and 1991 Cavaliers with rusted out trunk lids rolling down I-81. I know NYSDOT pours tons and tons of salt on the roads, but this was just too much. Even a

A guy i used to work with got a great deal on one during the Great Recession. 

Sedan-trucks in general. Is it a work vehicle or a family car? And why, if I needed a truck, should I have to get a crew cab that i don’t need because it’s the only kind on the lot?

Pretty much this. Even that three cylinder Mitsubishi Mirage you saw the other day sounding like a coffee can of angry bees has more power and pickup than just about every car from 20 or 30 years ago. We really live in a golden age of motoring. 

And then there's reliability. A Toyota 1.8 liter has a HP rating somewhere between a Singer sewing machine and a weed trimmer, but it will run until the heat death of the universe. That's worth a lot. 

Gotta admire your committment. I once talked to someone who knocked on doors for Howard Dean in January. Brrrrrrrrr. Still, I think the planet will forgive you for wanting to avoid sliding into a ditch while ridding Washington of Donald Trump and his band of thieves. I'd call it a net win.

Actually, you want to let some air out of your tires if you want to drive in New Hampshire in the wintertime. Better traction in snow.

Blue Texas is a long shot, IMO, but I still intend to do my part. Bexar County just passed a 'vote anywhere' rule. You can go to any polling place you want and vote. Sure, they did this so they could cut the number of polling places, but so what? I still call it the no excuses rule, and it will have a positive impact

As I mentioned in another thread, you oftentimes see home canned vegetables at Loaves and Fishes. Yeah, they're pretty desperate. 

KKind of how most of our mass transit infrastructure lies in the BOS-WASH corridor. Beyond that, Gilead would have limited control at best.

Kind of the same thing the Nazis did with them.

There were several Marthas on the plane.

Well, Canada has something that many countries lack - membership in the British Commonwealth. You fuck with Canada, and you fuck with the UK proper (which still has quite a formidable navy), Australia, and the rest of those countries that have Queen Elizabeth on their money.

They're not so useful without the launch codes, right? I don't have any idea how these things are secured, but I am guessing that there is some kind of authorization that needs to happen, which is sitting behind some serious encryption. So just how many of those nukes are really launchable? Who knows, and that's what

Until Lydia comes for her.

At what point does the system break, though? How much more manpower can they bring to bear before they run out of volunteers and have to go with lower quality conscripts, some of whom may have not drunk all of the Koolaid? In Hogan's Heroes, for example, it becomes clear that Sgt. Schultz was not on board with the

Or it could become a self fulfilling prophecy. 

TThey don't even look like trucks anymore. They're more like tall wagons. We still like wagons here, right?

TThere's not much sense to be made. If I understood how all this worked I wouldn't still be working for a living  

Limousine liberals without the limo. Just as out of touch, but only possessing Hyacinth Bucket levels of actual money.