Der kleiner wurstle.
Der kleiner wurstle.
See, that’s the problem. Either Canada has taken over the Niagara region of New York State, or Lake Ontario doesn’t exist in the Handmaid’s Tale universe. It’s a pretty big lake. It would take something big, like a nuke, to drain it.
Now that I think about it, the area near the border is probably restricted for people without the proper clearance. Commanders would have this, of course. Besides, it’s a lot easier to catch runaways if you have, say, 100 miles advance notice. Summer dachas for the well connected, a few farms, and that one rusty old…
Nicole was part of the rise. It’s hard to imagine Serena wanting that sort of life for her once she’s got her head together.
I just don’t understand why that border crossing wasn’t guarded by a battalion of Guardians armed to the teeth. It seems way too easy to just cross over and flip Gilead the bird on your way out. A competent totalitarian state would have cut down every tree within several hundred meters of the demarcation line and had…
One level higher than Fred. That's all.
For example, my 2017 vehicle’s audio system still has support for iPod, and that’s supposed to be a selling point. It also has USB audio capability (woo hoo!), but the catch is that it is only able to address a limited number of folders, about a third of my album collection. It was probably already obsolete sitting in…
Pull the fuse controlling the infotainment system?
Head to the nearest Best Buy and replace the infotainment system?
I would rather not have Google or Facebook or Amazon or anyone else knowing where my car was all the time. My privacy is worth a lot more to me than being able to control my vehicle from a web app.
There’s a sucker born every minute, as they say. To resell something that's bullshit, like “trickle down” economic (ahem) theory, you need enough new suckers who haven’t seen it not work. That takes a generation, or roughly 20 years. Wait until 2040 or so, and see how many stupid people come out of the woodwork trying…
Don’t even suggest that anyone would see a dime of that if employers were liberated from the necessity of covering that part of insurance premiums. The world doesn’t work that way. If it did, we would have all gotten a fat raise from the 2017 tax cuts.
Fred had to know he was close to the border, right? And where were the hundreds of border guards with machine guns?
Yes, that’s a good question. My guess is New Hampshire, which was never much known for the sort of smokestack industry Fred was talking about.
At least the 1.8 liter four cylinder engine that typically gets put into subcompact Toyota vehicles has been proven to work. A concept model might not even have an engine.
Do they come with compartments for your AR15 and ammo? Such an unfortunate name for a company. When I see it on someone's pickup, I cringe.
Joe at least has his moments of brilliance.
Seriously. He’s the Gerald Ford of Democrats. Puts you right to sleep. And then he opens his mouth.
That is, unless you live in Bexar County and don’t really feel like it. I see several vehicles with expired stickers in my neighborhood, some over a year out of date. I should try that, park next to a constable, and take them to court when I get a ticket. That’s when I pull out the big photo album of all my hoopie…
I always kind of wondered, why does the front plate have to have the same dimensions as the rear plate? Why can't the front plate be designed to more conform to the aerodynamic qualities of a larger majority of cars? That is, make it a couple of inches shorter top to bottom. There. Fixed.