
Plus, there are so many shows with depth that I would love to see a show like that talking about….it's just fucking ponderous.

Yes, but compare it to what they are able to do on a show like Hannibal with a very limited budget.

But why can't all shows be like Hannibal and Mad Men and Rome and everything else that is good? And people actually watch those shows?? I need to check my period app because I'm feeling extra whiny about it today…..I just wish that better shows would get more appreciation and viewers.

Yes! And I can never get over how much praise the special effects get. Have these people never seen Hannibal? Or, basically any other show, ever?

Does anyone else think that The Talking Dead makes the show even more insufferable? For a show like that to work, they need to talk about a show that has nuance and layers; a show that isn't completely straightforward with all of its meaning. They talk about each episode like there is some grand hidden meaning behind

Apparently that only matters when the writers want it to matter.

That might actually keep me awake during the episodes.

True. It drives me crazy that actual good shows with nuance, depth, layers, characters that you care about, great special effects, and that don't put me to sleep are graded on a tougher curve.
I wish they would just let the people revolt. You can tell that the reviewer is kind of phoning it in and not even into it;

Hey, if J Law can do it, I expect these hillbillies to do it too. I'm in the middle of the city in Atlanta and there are currently enough critters in the tree outside my door to have a feast.

A million times - YES!

Unfortunately I know a lot of stupid people and they keep raving about the damn show, so I keep watching, hoping to see a even a slight glimmer of anything beneath the surface. I guess I'm not ready to give up on them yet, but deep (not too deep) down, I know better.

It's the story of paint and the hardships that it goes through before it can dry.

I think it's graded on some sort of special ed walking dead grade curve.

How can you even make sense of the words he lumps together and calls sentences?

The Cure.
Gary Numan.

Heather here - we're all insane.

Sometimes this show is like looking into a mirror.

Fatty Arbuckle

Sailfish do that.

The Bridge To Terabithia