
Team Saruman anyway.

They are orange supremacists.

He certainly can't Coriol my anus.

Sic semper tyrannis, bitches.

The eggs were probably fertilized.

Thanks, I always forget about his reviews, but I remember liking them. And I agree about the comment section. I usually find more of what I'm looking for in the comments, but it can get a little overwhelming.

"Here's to swimmin' with eviscerated women"

Also, Matt was in a hurry to get to Kevin earlier in the episode, but after the police wanted to question him about the dead guy in the water, he acts like he doesn't have anywhere to be urgently. It's hard to tell exactly what yet, but something changed in Matt.

Regarding Australia, I think Lindelof is a little obsessed with Picnic At Hanging Rock, or at least Peter Weir movies. I saw a lot of little nods to it in the second season.

Yes, thank you. In previous seasons, especially the first, there were always insights that helped me get more interested in the show and possibly little things I may have missed here and there. Now they don't even recognize/remember David Burton. It just seems like they're phoning it in now.

He was the guy who helped Kevin when he died.

But isn't David Burton the same guy who helped Kevin when he was dead? I think it's too soon to write him off completely.

I agree. I gave up on OU812 a couple seasons ago but stuck with Grimm to the end.

Whenever I see OUAT I always think of the Van Halen album OU812. That's all.

I have nein lives, so it doesn't matter.

He sure takes a long time to say nothing.

…..with each other?

Or anything outdoors, in general.


He looks like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. I bet he also has a collection of scabs and psoriasis flakes that he snacks on.