
I still miss Mike's bullshitzu.

Aren't most religions cults, though?

Do you think Christine came back for Lily? Even if Holy Wayne (RIP you crazy freak) was totally full of shit, he was still right about some stuff and maybe she is actually important?
Ugh; I just want to see all the episodes now.

Earth is a flat circle?

And then they have Talking Dead to walk us through everything they just spoonfed to us like there is any bit of nuance.

Negan's crew got Rhonda'd!

Did you get Aly'd?

I recently and reluctantly caught up on 97 episodes in a row and fell in love with it. It's definitely much better when you watch it all at once, and it definitely got better with age.

(I just really love New Girl)

Did Rosita get Rhonda'd!?

Well, thankfully all my TVs are stupid.

He's got a centaur booty. It looks like there should be two more legs under that thing.

His ass is definitely more shapely than hers.

Sort of like when Deadpool had to regrow his hand and had a little baby hand. At least that's how I'm picturing it. Gross; now I'm picturing it.

Plus, he would have to use both of those little hands for that.

No. The best part was Molly Shannon doing a Mary Catherine Gallagher. *SUPERSTAR*

I just caught up on 97 episodes, so I feel a little bit gluttonous about it.

The Oscars got Rhonda'd!

I agree, but it also always went back to him never having as much as his former colleagues.

Walter White is a good example of what happens to some people with their money lust. It's never enough and they always want to have more than someone else.