
This is symptomatic of the religious fault lines in Nigeria that have been codified and implemented as political structures. They should've never have given into the demands of the Muslims and Christians for religious law to be used in public affairs. Eventually you'll get a new breed of zealots who want more pie.

Right! People conflate things without considering the history of oppression.

Making fun of WASPs, who are at the top of the power structure, doesn't compare to the insidious anti-Semitic language deployed at will by white gentiles, who are known to thrust Jews into pyres and gas chambers.

Unflattering doesn't come close to the Christian anti-Semitism that has runs through the 2000 year existence of the religion. Jews control Hollywood, Jews control Wall Street, Jews control the US government. You'd think every Jewish family donates their first-born to the cause of Jewish World Domination. This hack is

Does anyone ever say "a town run by Christians"? He's implying, and tapping into, an age-old anxiety of gentiles about any perceived control Jews have. Not only is it not very PC, he's being an apologist for anti-Semitism.

Wow, "a town run by Jews". I. Can't.

You can be sent to prison, if you're black, without any evidence so that's what I meant by the latter. People assume black folks are naturally criminal which is a tad rich because white people have been doing the thieving for the past 500 years.

This whole objectification of the male body isn't new. What is new is that the common hottie doesn't need to pose for a painter but instead capture yourself so it can make the rounds on the gay Tumblr blogs.

Being black is crime in and of itself in Murica so whether he did commit a crime is irrelevant.

I know it is, I just think it's a stupid slap in the face of working people who were derided for looking like these models.

I always hope those people feel the wrath of these deadly cats that they cage for their vanity and visual enjoyment. The dumb ones are the ones who call the giant animal their "friend". I want to say this is something stupid white folks do but I am certain, being Somali, African folks engage in this sometimes.

Lemme guess, she probably also a livejournal blog and a Tumblr filled with references to ana and cutting. God, even with their weird self-mutilation, those people are still boring. This bitch is an outright sadist though but she just reads angst-filled to me.

Speak truth to power.

Oh god, this sort of cultural work is so boring. It's like this sign I saw in Parkdale once that read: "Long live the working class". The irony is that the largely white, bougie invaders are pushing out working class families of every hue and shade. Paying tribute to the farmer, the general labourer, etc. only

I am gay. A male homosexual, in case you didn't get it. Either way, you ignorance is leaking thru my silicone screen. You mess.

You poor white guy. Tell me about how you didn't get into college because of AA. Of how you are ignored by girls because you don't have "swag".

You see to be colour-blind and really blind are different. Much like former racist and active racist are different.

Was I not clear enough. People who, nowadays, have their bodies adorned in tattoos, have slicked back hair and expensive jewelry read annoying and insecure to me. Does that defy some crazy natural logic?

I seriously think it's the tattoos. There's something about tattoos to me that read insecure and probably annoying.

It's on Oxygen, from the makers of the Bad Girls Club so no to you hoping it won't devolve into hysteria and nonsense. The black form on American television is there, sadly still, for ridicule and humour.