What? I grew up saying it to people on Fridays. You can take from it what you will.
What? I grew up saying it to people on Fridays. You can take from it what you will.
Good for you to be able to joke about somatic discrimination. Shabbat shalom. Mazel by the way.
I constantly see racism from white folks being "justified" by how old they are. Deen, she was born in a different time. Sterling, he's so old. Bizzle, he was so young.
Why do we always excuse the behaviour of young white men but young men of colour do it, they somehow are evil and out to destroy all that is holy? You should reconsider your unconscious bias. Also, no I never used such language at 14 and I went to a predominantly black school and yes, I am black myself.
Oh it very much is that. It also helps gay men, who in Toronto for some reason tend to overwhelmingly be refugees from dead industrial and rural towns, to continue their ignorance here full steam. I've stopped going to the Village here and cannot wait for the day it's turned into a condoland that no longer physically…
It's not about some sense of exclusivity. One can be a member of multiple groups at once. Gay men aren't one cohesive group either. I'm a gay black man but I in no way feel more affinity to gay men of any colour or black hetero men. I happen to have the capacity to understand both groups. If you're going to view…
What the hell are you talking about? They helped to ignite the whole visible movement by refusing to do what oppressive cops wanted them to do in NYC. The more you know dearie. You keep sticking to your own "kind", if you have it figured out so well. I doubt the movement needs naysayers like you anyways.
Seeing people who are defenceless being assaulted is just so sickening and low. It's the final refuge of the scoundrel.
The sad thing is that many gay and women actively seek to exclude trans women and men from being full and active participants within our community. I'm waiting to see what sort of platform and space WorldPride in Toronto will give them. Going by their previous inability to handle issues that might offend the heteros,…
Bearding is usually done with a gay man and a straight woman. A lavender marriage is usually between a lesbian and a gay man.
Whoever thought J'Lo was anything more than a beard though? I always thought Diddy was a little suspect and that Caspar guy was caught coming out of a gay porn theatre.
Oh Mindy, how did your show end up getting so bad so quickly? Now she's essentially a brown version of Zoey. I might not stick around for season 3 or 4, whatever.
You are fucking stupid. I was waiting for the streetcar in the Beaches neighbourhood last Saturday. This guy was standing with his girlfriend and "showing" her how to fend off an attacker. What I noticed though was that he was hurting her. It was a very sick game and her expression betrayed how normalized public harm…
He could do more. All this marching in parades and photo ops aren't helping people. Tweak the motherfucking laws and work towards ending homophobia, that's why people voted for his ass.
I seriously hope this guy gets raped in jail.