the governess

If you're following the narrative of the satirical story to its logical end, every aspect of Lily's image in this video is controlled by the industry and the idiot record producer who is *ridiculously* showing HER how to twerk. From the body transforming lipo at the start (which was clearly not her choice), to the

I mean, Jezebel doesn't say it's feminist either. So.

I went to the doctor for some follow-up on my fun new food allergies and mentioned that, the week before my period, I become actually, literally borderline suicidal. It becomes difficult to not cry, it becomes difficult to do basic functions, and there is not enough sleep in the world. (The moment there is blood: over

As someone who didn't want to be pregnant and then used Clear Blue to find out I think that this should be their slogan, "When you are so confused in your self denial about being pregnant that you aren't even able to read a pregnancy test that you need it spelled the fuck out for you. Clear Blue will be there for you

In ballet, a thigh gap makes your first position look ploppy. I would know :( And I actually have VERY BIG THIGHS! My bones are just shaped that way.

That was my first thought too. #skinnygirlsooppressed

You know what? Nobody cares that you have a thigh gap.

I think you misunderstood the assignment.

Nothing about super stick thin legs is appealing to me. Not to knock ladies that have them! I'm sure those that do don't mind having the skinny, long stems. It seems like men are just naturally attracted to them from caveman days because it's easy to knock someone with weak, long extremities down. Me personally? Tina

I dance Argentine tango pretty seriously and my thigh gap is actually a big problem in the dance! Your thighs are supposed to brush as you walk forward and backwards and mine don't, making me look awkward and bandy legged. I've spent hours in front of the mirror struggling with my walk while my curvier friends

No I do not. Ear piercing of babies has been happening for centuries in many cultures with no ill effects. It's not part of my culture but it is part of many other cultures. Also, people pierce their kids ears so the kids can wear earrings, not because they think there is something wrong with how their ears look.

I don't like the shape of my eyebrows right now, but I don't how to change that. Do I let them grow back into furry caterpillars inching towards each other to have pre-butterfly sex on my face and then get it fixed? Is it worth the glory of nicely shaped brows to live with the shame of caterpillar sex face? Please

Um, hi, she still looks amazing even without makeup. Suck it, In Touch.

I feel like she only has the emotive power to be Beth. After Beth dies.

Remaking it with a black cast would be interesting & more worthwhile.

I would have given her a thank you card thanking her for all the help she had given and said it was an amazing gift.. that way, she wouldn't feel she needed to give one...

'I really hope you consummate your marriage sooner than 7 years from now, don't have to have your brother give your husband sex advice, or have your mother guilt you through letters from another country. Oh, and don't get beheaded. K thanx. '

Ahem. I have heard recently that brides and bridal parties are getting "theme" happy. I was watching some television show recently about brides, and they all had themes for their weddings. As an Old, I remember when the "theme" was joining your partner in holy matrimony. Kids these days.

I feel terrible for speculating, but here goes.