
A black man is sitting next to Krang from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and I bet more people are worried about the black man.

Axe Body Spray and mayo.

I agree with you on the point that it is not only white people that are racist, but the idea that other PoC are only racist because they want to emulate white people is just plain wrong. I am of mostly Lebanese descent and I had great aunts and uncles as well as other relatives from the old country who held bigoted,

“I’m gonna call the cops! I’ll tell them you hit me!” the woman screamed, sitting on the grass and pointing at her ex. “I’ll tell them you beat me up. They’ll get your ass.”

I used to work for 911 and I quickly lost count of the number of people who called to report a suspicious black person. When asked what made them suspicious, the caller would always say “well, they’re black” or “they don’t belong in this neighborhood” or something along those lines. 99.999999% of the time, said person

To some extent, yes. Okay, to a large extent.

They don’t see it because they don’t want to.


“literally something I did on my old show when I played an insane person”

I also feel like these movies downplay how much rape there would be. Like people are awful. There would be soooo much rape. 

We’re already supplementing them through welfar- whoops, sorry - “farm subsidies”.

Don’t be surprised when the rest of us taxpayers have to supplement their losses through tax breaks.

Don’t come crying to me when you lose your farm Iowa soybean farmers. You voted for the Dotard for president. (And gave him momentum in the caucuses).

all of ‘em

somebody send this to that dude who keeps telling us he has a Black wife

What Time Is Brunch, one of the lesser-known Smith’s B-sides.

I love how the sign accepts that you need to be stoned to eat there, it just asks that you air out a little.

we want to look reasonable by asking for a dialogue, which is what a reasonable group would have started with in the first place.

Translation: Our PR stunt backfired, and made the business owner look good. To save face, we want to look reasonable by asking for a dialogue, which is what a reasonable group would have started with in the first place.