
I live in the heart of the French Quarter which is clearly laden with many many ghost stories. I have many tour guide friends and hear all the historical tales and the bullshit that some of the lesser guides come up with. On my block around the corner from my house is a very old elementary school which looks as if

"Also, if he's going to do something like this, he better be bringing something extra to the table. "

I accidentally backed over a kitten from my cats litter that was running across the driveway and apparently broke its back and had to watch it pull it self with its front paws that were still working into the grass and die. My boyfriend then proceeded to yell at me for a half an hour because clearly I meant to do it.

I hope it was Rainbow Chip. Mmmmm frosting.

Also....not the best to fall in....

Ya know I was all like "Fuck this fake Monday after a holiday..." and then THIS!!!!!

Also the fact it was a democratic woman that introduced the bill. Disgusting. I am so glad to be away from Central/North Louisiana and down in New Orleans.

Really? No Angry Dragon?

I guess we know what the excess skin from that guys 100 pound scrotum is being re purposed for.

It is definitely on of those that at the end you are just like "Oh god I weep for humanity!"

I will watch Idris do anything. Anything.

Oh yes! It was so good! I've been suggesting it to everyone who asks for a movie to watch.


It's a sad day when we need someone to explain that.

Exactly! Now I watch The Leftovers and kids these days are choking each other out for fun ... :/

OMGOMGOMGOMG! *commences hyperventilating*

Was this the culprit?

But CLEARLY they are against domestic violence since they have made the Saints pull their "Slap Ya Momma" redzone...

I expected more from Amber Rose. That is so Rose McGowen 1998.
