Hardcore Mormon here (Softcore Mormonism is for noobs) with 3 kids. If anyone is sick and seeks help for blessings/prayers from any member of the congregation one of the FIRST things we ask is “What did your doctor say?”
Hardcore Mormon here (Softcore Mormonism is for noobs) with 3 kids. If anyone is sick and seeks help for blessings/prayers from any member of the congregation one of the FIRST things we ask is “What did your doctor say?”
As a DC fanboy I can honestly say that DC has everything to learn from Marvel and Marvel has 0 things to learn from DC.
Who doesn't!
You like open slots, yes?
I don’t know what it is about the movie but Kuffs is hands down one of my favorite movies of all time...I can’t watch the video yet but it better have been on the list.
It’s hard being a DC fan these days.
Is he the one responsible for the “absolute certainty” line? I need to know who I’m punching in the face in my daydreams.
Man...If I was minding my own business in my cave and some dude snuck up behind me and was like “SHHHHHHHH! SHHHHHHH!”, I’d freak out too...
Who are the jackasses that refuse to stand during an obvious standing ovation?
Disagree with several things you said.
Have they never read anything on kotaku? How did they not see this coming?
I foresee a future supercut of every time they say “bad guys”
So much this! I’ve never had so much relaxing fun with a game just exploring (And now I’m so excited for the scanner) . I hope No Man’s Sky can elicit the same feeling.
Is it comparable to kingdoms of amalur? The combat in that game was great but I couldn’t take more than 10 hours of it because I felt like I was playing a single player mmo with the repetitive quests and uninteresting story.
Can someone recommend me some COMPLETED series or stand-alones to read? Between Kingkiller Chronicles, Gentleman Bastards, Stormlight Archive, The Expanse, and Dresden Files I’m dying of wait-for-the-next-book fatigue.
“There’s no lense flares that I can see”
I’m confused...I thought Steam’s big sales were summer and winter.
This is a solid point...I never looked into Alias, just some cursory background wikipedia “research” before (and some during - like trying to figure out wtf was up with Will)watching the show.
Am I the only one that enjoyed Daredevil more than Jessica Jones? I just felt like with Jones Marvel was trying too hard to be edgy, where as with Daredevil they pushed boundaries without seeming to pander.
I remember when this was all going down that so many negative reviews went up on steam from people that put hundreds - even thousands of hours into the game saying that they would not be playing until they reverse microtransactions...then I hovered over several reviewers names to see what games they were playing at…