Yes, that is exactly what I meant by the land is sacred. Black blood spent and spilled anywhere in bondage makes the land sacred to me. Ashe.
Thank you for writing about this. I did the same New Orleans plantation tour last year, and felt the same way. A few years ago, I decided to not only visit, but volunteer to work for a week on an archaeological dig on the Montpelier plantation of President James Madison near Charlottesville, Virginia. They encourage…
Never even seen one in person, let alone been to one. I’ve always felt like if I ever ended up at one, however, that it would feel like paying homage to the ancestors. Yeah, like, it’s sad, of course, but the other half of it is that you realize that you ancestors were the one’s who made it through. You also realize…
now who’s ignoring context? I’m not talking about stopping a car, I’m talking about wronging someone, and the amount of time required for rehabilitation or forgiveness being set to infinity as perhaps unreasonable. Are some things unforgivable? Yes. Is what he did unforgivable? For the women he wronged, absolutely.…
I..uh..I don’t know? Is there a time limit or date on rehabilitation? Making a living? I’m seriously asking. What’s the time frame here? I mean, I’m never going to give the guy a dime, but I can’t sit here and tell the guy he’s got no right to make a living, right?
maybe but also... ITS BEEN LESS THAN A YEAR. I figured maybe in like 3 years he’d come back and we’d have this discussion. but I mean. Come on.
I’m sure this will be an extremely unpopular opinion, but uh, what else is he supposed to do? I’m not a Louis C.K. fan, I’ve never even watched any of his material to even make a judgment. I’ve just literally never cared about his act.
I am fine with it because context:
i think the whole scenario was probably mentioned as a joke, or at least as a throwaway remark - like when Stassi goes full-on demonic for 4 seconds in Vanderpump Rules season one and says “i am the devil, and don’t you forget it” - and because he is a narcissistic asshole who wants to control/harass/toy with his…
I also don’t understand the stance that says: “Oh, so you tried to kill me? Well then, I will sue you”
Right. I think the most likely situation is that she planned or executed an intimidation type thing to scare him. And that he’s taking that and embellishing it into much worse
“This needs to be made into a movie regardless.”
What kind of shitbag monster do you have to be to refuse to give a woman her famous dead dad’s guitar???? idgaf if it was a gift or what the prenup said; that is fucking vile. Deport this fucker from the planet already.
I’m not sure which party of crazies hatched this plan but either way, it was devised over a giant pile of cocaine.
The courts could only force them to return it if it could be proven they took it or have it. These people must have access to hundreds of climate controlled places to store something as small as a guitar. They don’t need the guitar to sell it or display it, only to get it back from Silva.
With Love, Lufti, and The Ex involved, it is likely that the answer is “All of Thee Above.” It did happen and the ex is delusional but his delusion actually hit reality.
Wouldn’t it be easier to simply steal the guitar without the, uh, murdering and kidnapping part? Guitars are inanimate objects that tend not to be sentient.
Given the characters involved, I’d put at a 51% chance this happened, and a 49% chance this guy is delusional.
I’ll always love Courtney & don’t believe the conspiracy theories that she killed Kurt or had him killed. But this? Yeah, I can totally believe she did this, especially since Sam Lutfi is involved. Dude is shady AF & Courtney’s always been unstable. This needs to be made into a movie regardless.