Really? You went there? “We also watch TV together as a family.”
Really? You went there? “We also watch TV together as a family.”
I’m sure you loved her in family films like Secretary and Donnie Darko
I’m sorry, maybe I’m a prude.
where’s your moral outrage when dudes have been jacking off on TV since time immemorial?
This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.
I’m sure we all know very nice men who also happen to not care about enthusiastic consent. If someone told us they’d acted improperly we’d have to confront our own good experiences with them with this person’s bad experience. Both are valid. None of us is so clever and cunning that we can avoid all of bad situations…
I agree with Retta’s assessment. But I think Jane’s decision to run the piece shouldn’t be questioned by the likes of gawker media after the whole hulk hogan thing. Press is gonna run salacious stories. I think the Aziz story was more “salacious” / less “me too.” Does it sound like he acted in a disappointing way?…
Why does Bourdain need to fuck off? You realize he was actually praising Michelle Wolf, right?
Thoughtful insight...brilliant post. You’re gonna do great next year in 9th grade.
Ha. I want to agree. But then I remember that I’m guilty of watching it sometimes. I don’t do it b/c my husband asks me to; I do it on my own. Granted I never watch anything that’s considered “degrading”.. usually girls only. Is there room under the feminism umbrella for this? I wonder...
“Next season on Law and Order: SVU...”
I can tell you this happens with grooming, trust-building, and time... Not the same exactly, but my ex husband very slowly groomed and manipulated me into some really dark shit that I can see now that I didn’t want any part of (Related to the sub/dom type shit). Our relationship started out completely normal and…
So when are they coming for the Scientology shitbags?
I’m so annoyed and yet so fascinated by his use of that word. Is it a form of social media virtue signalling (I’m so at peace with myself, I have nothing but love for everyone and everything, I am a good and loving man who always FORGIVES)?
i am #loving this.
As far as I know, Cruise never beat up any of his partners
I mean his title alone left me in a deep deep state of confusion.
I don’t know. But at least Tom Cruise has a fairly charming public persona and the people who work with him say he’s nice.
In other words she continues to be a parent to her children and love them no matter how old they are - as most parents do - and he doesn’t give a fuck about them now they’re old enough to see he is a douche and no longer worship the ground he walks on.
Remember when Sean Penn put Kate del Castillo in mortal danger so he could have his little bullshit Hunter S. Thompson moment with El Chapo, an actual murderer and not just some avatar in his stupid stories