
Thanks to John Boehner, we know they’d literally be crying.

It’s things like this that keep me on the straight and narrow. There are some really shitty pictures of me out there that I would be horrified to see splashed on CNN. And a mugshot? Where I live, they publish those in a weekly paper and sell at every gas station for a buck, where everyone then stands around making fun

Man, that’s a crazy story. I remember following it for awhile and thinking, “How do people get *this* nuts?” Wonder what’s going on with them (nothing quick turns up from googling.)

Ya know, every great couple has their schtick. Theirs is all about the sexy-time and I admire the hell out of them for it. It’s inspiring, if not a little grating. The Mister and I are into the verbal sparring schtick. It’s witty, entertaining, charming and I do love it so. On the other hand, our sexy-time schtick is

Yes to this! I get tired of hearing people say “it must be nice” when I mention sending my only to sleepaway camp (that shits expensive!!) or going on vacation. Yes, it is nice. And something we both thought of when we discussed and hashed out having a second kid. Both of us have middle-class jobs and put a priority

Where I’m from, kids were always invited. Hell, that’s why I can do the chicken dance like no other. So when I moved to the big city, it never occurred to me that our special snowflake wouldn’t be invited. So it also never occurred to me to pay attention to how envelopes are addressed what RSVP’s look like. So bottom

Oh, I was totally that parent. It was our first playdate invite and I didn't know how it worked. I felt weird just dropping my daughter off at some persons house. Thankfully the mom was merciful, read me well and gently broke it down how it can work (she had 2 older kids). By first grade, I was just slowing the

Only 3 months in I'd say you dodged a bullet. But you're right, as a feminist, liberal "religious" person (oh, how I've grown to dislike that term), it's damn near impossible to find our others. In fact, I keep my spirituality totally to myself to prevent judgement. Then once into a solid friendship, I shock and

I think this is totally true. Several of my friends are attachment parents, which seems totally crazy for me (especially since our kids are in the 3rd grade), but whatever... to each their own. I often joke that I subscribe to the "unattached parent" philosophy, as I want to teach my daughter independence. They've

Seriously. Babies are HARD. During the baby stage, the best thing for them is what is best for the parents (within reason, of course). I, for one, would have sucked as a parent had I continued in my sleep-exhausted state. Yet a friend of mine who is practicing the crazy world of attachment parenting hasn't slept

Ain't that the truth of parenting. I was against cry-it-out, fast food and TV for kids, was going to go cloth diapers all the way and breastfeed for at least 2 years. 6 months into parenting I realized "fuck that", this lady needed a break. So my greatest advice to new parents is figure out your absolutes - then

Meh. I occasionally slept with my mom until I left home, and my 8 year old often crawls in bed with us sometime during the night. As long as she goes to sleep in her own bed (giving my husband and I alone time at night and teaching her to sleep on her own), it's all good.

We ALSO were cry-it-outers AND co-sleepers, but in reverse. We had our daughter cry-it-out as a baby, then as a toddler she became a co-sleeper. As a testament to her genius, she stopped crawling in the middle (dad would walk her back to bed) and learned to crawl in on my side, as I'm a heavy sleeper and wouldn't

I don't get it. I mean, she's a pretty girl for sure, but "the most beautiful girl in the world"? Eh. I've seen a lot of girls her age that are similar in appearance and a handful I'd consider prettier. This is pure marketing. And as the parent of a young girl, dangerous marketing at that. Have we already

Agreed. I have pictures of my daughter around that age running around in her underwear (her outfit of choice at home). But my daughter is not being pegged as "the most beautiful girl in the world" and those photos are not available for the world to see. Nor would they ever be, because eww.

My father was a worthless ass, so as a kid I adopted Bill Cosby as a dad. So fuck Cosby for screwing me twice.

Confirmed. I voted in Texas.

Nope. I accidentally just came across it. Horrifying.

Wow. Just wow. This hits close to home as two weeks after the Sandy Hook shooting my 5 year old kindergartener went to school and, while playing some game during recess, molded her fingers into a gun and yelled "Let's shoot the teacher!" Her (amazing) teacher pulled her out of recess, took her inside and talked to

As have I. But alas, once a year the entire family joins together in the same room for 2 hours. You have to sacrifice the few to save the many, or some fucking thing like that.