
Oppositely, it adds to my faith in humanity. Good and bad. Yin and yang. Had that guy punched her or this event otherwise gone south, I'd have said "this world's a fucking mess". But because this guy was so graceful under these (literally) insane conditions, I still feel like we may turn out alright.

I've been in a few accidents and when I finally managed to speak just said "oh shit" over and over. What you are seeing in this lady isn't "stress", it's all out hatred.

The only good that can come of this week is that this woman be identified. I'd very much like to see her squirming on Good Morning America.

Sadly, I've actually attended a few of those family Thanksgivings. The dinners always started with prayer, then quickly morphed into your quote, then ended with me being called a dumbass-bleeding-heart-liberal-feminist-socialist-loving-lesbian (I've been married to my husband for 13 years). It was painful for awhile

You are absolutely correct, I have zero knowledge of classic victim behavior. I've never been a victim. In my youth, anything short of forcible rape was "the girl asking for it". And I know that from experience. That said, "coercion" was the incorrect word. I suppose "talked in to" (withOUT force or threat) is

I promise I'm not trolling when I ask, does coercion equal rape these days? I get that the minute she said "no", it was rape. But before that? I'm in my late 30's and admittedly a bit old school, so I'm trying to catch up to "rape culture". And that's why what Fallen and Sandina says makes sense to me. I want to

I was pro-choice but always said "I" could never do it. Until I got pregnant at 23 during a terribly dysfunctional relationship. Then "them" became "me". It was humbling. I've been an outspoken defender of women's rights ever since.

This exactly. I had an abortion at 23 and felt no guilt whatsoever. But I did wonder if I'd feel bad about it later when I started a family. Turns out, I felt even better about my decision. Parenting in the BEST of circumstances is hard and I would have been a dysfunctional mess. I often say a prayer of thanks

I loved Malibu Must back in the day (circa 90's). I got so many compliments on it, and a couple of times strangers even stopped me and asked what I was wearing. I found it at a Walgreens a year or so ago, but my chemistry changed and it just wasn't the same. :(