It is interesting to see everyone mention how they can’t stand Gilbert. Which is totally fine, but just seems completely unnecessary to bring up in this context.
It is interesting to see everyone mention how they can’t stand Gilbert. Which is totally fine, but just seems completely unnecessary to bring up in this context.
No waitstaff wants to hear about your idiosyncratic dietary preferences! Just order what you can eat. Don’t make someone play a game of having to pick for you, a waiter doesn’t know all the ingredients of everything, or having to go running back to the chef to ask if pizza can be made with tofu instead of cheese.
I think women do very similar mental calculus in these situations, too, though maybe not out of fear of the cops, but certainly for fear of their own safety.
You weren’t overthinking anything and that cop was an arsehole.
This morning, after walking my dog, I went back outside, popped open the trunk of my car and removed some workout…
You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.
Sorry, we’ve taken in too many refugees from the US already. Last thing we need is them importing their dangerous extrmist religious dogma here.
Yep. They’re so obvious. I was talking about it on the phone earlier to my mom and suggested they start using the phrase “fertilized ovum”. Take that, Trump administration! We’ll just come up with ways to make a fetus sound even *less* babylike!
I cannot CANNOT understand how a woman, especially a mother, can be anti-abortion. There was nothing that solidified my already firmly held pro-choice beliefs more than pregnancy and parenting.
I want a list of every woman who has been maimed or murdered for daring to go outside and be human and was attacked by one of us garbage ass niggas who can’t tuck their entitlement in and accept that women don’t have to give us a moment of their time.
“Some parents may simply think that the risk is small...”
Hmmm... less than one per month. Still, if you’re the one, that’s tragic. And if it can be prevented by just getting rid of your unsightly window-shade cords? Why wouldn’t you take care of that immediately?
“To which I march up and begin yelling”
because I am a Jedi at making customer service folks give me what I want. And sadly, you will not get anywhere if you try to be “nice” in this sort of situation.
You sound like a fucking gem.
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
I think a great set for that would have been to say “Anne Coulter, I am so impressed by your bravery to show your face at an event like this that I’m not even going to make fun of you” and then make fun of her for, like, 10 minutes straight and end with “I know I started by saying I wouldn’t make fun of you, but…
Jorni is a massive troll, do not engage.
Jeez Lifehacker... Why you so bossy??? Perhaps you could say “here’s why I stopped doing X, maybe you want to stop doing X as well.” Instead of STOP DOING THIS THING THAT YOU’RE DOING!!! Giving me a complex man...