
If you do some research in to the food available to aboriginal Canadian communities, especially in Nunavut, you may change your mind. What we are able to easily buy and consume in major cities - green peppers, lettuce, vegetarian/vegan sources of protein - is simply not available in those communities, and if they are,

Killing, eating and using their fur and other parts of the seals as the indigenous peoples of Canada have been doing for eons.

Okay but can we talk about Snape's chest hair?

I'm not going to sit here and gush about her album, because 1. I haven't listened to the whole thing and 2. The few songs I've heard just aren't my jam, sorry, but she gets mad points from me for scrolling the names of over 1,000 missing and murdered Canadian Aboriginal women behind her during her performance. Our

I dig it. Seal hunting rubs a lot of people the wrong way on account of how cute seals are, but they're not endangered, and they put a lot of strain on fish stocks, some of which are in more danger. If you're going to eat a cow, it's really not that big a deal to eat a seal.

Plus, all the more inhumane seal hunting

Does she not know The Chronicles of Narnia exists?

I would fucking CRUSADE for the Church of HP

Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.

"Women shouldn't not have careers because women are stupid!" Harry shouted indignantly. "Women are not stupid at all! Women should not have careers because women are nurturing and loving and their gifts serve them best in the home!"

So Harry Potter can't have magic but Jesus can? In two thousand years I bet the Harry Potter series will be an organized religion too.

Early in the first book there's the scene where they go to the Wizard bank to see that it's being run by short, greedy, ugly goblins with comically exaggerated noses.

Anyone want to come over and read this with me? I think a lot of vodka would probably make it hilarious?

It's on a list with "slapped or hit; kicked, bit, or hit with a fist; beat up; choked; burned or scalded." I think it would be pretty obvious what the context is, and I doubt anyone would self-report throwing a pillow at or to someone as an act of violence. They're referring to incidents like the time when I was a kid

HellBeast in a bag

FWIW, I'll be telling my daughter:

If I had a daughter, I'd be buying her the crunchiest-granolaest feminine-journey-of-self-discovery books I could find, and I'd start with Our Bodies Ourselves (worked for me and for my foremothers, amen). I'd want to impress upon her that she needs to know what her body and brain feel like when something's a real

At this point, he began angrily shaking a bottle of ketchup, dumped it all over his once-beautiful porterhouse

I am Canadian and do not understand the system in place on colleges in the US. Are police not involved in every reported rape? How does a college get to decide a criminal matter? Also if police do get involved and there is a conviction, would the school not have to expel him at that point?