The Girl Who Waited on Tables

That’s exactly what was implied. They set it up by showing how the censoring technology worked—by being triggered by elevated cortisol levels. They also established that her emotional development was kind of stunted as a child because of the censorship technology (the self harm, for instance). But by the time she is

Honestly I thought the worst part of the episode was that they have her be an understandably concerned mother after the kidnapping scare (which was partly her fault on the show) and having her reach the moral of realising she can’t coddle the child when she sees the effect it has on her development only to then go

THANK YOU! I went on like a half hour tirade to my husband during this episode. It made me angry that the writer didn’t even look past this. And for Jodi Foster to have directed it, I expect that she should know the difference. The school nurse was giving out awful information. I believe that 2 minutes is why I have a

Did anyone else think that Arkangel was bullshit? (spoilers)

This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.

When I talk about Trump I am never trying to be nice. It’s a challenge to make comments that reflect my true feelings without attracting the attention of federal agencies.

It’s his pout that does it for me. It’s like he thinks it’s his President Face.

More and more, Trump looks like a Fernando Botero painting.

A portrait of the Trump marriage.

It’s scary seeing the checks and balances failing and even more scary that large swathes of the country just respond with a shrug.

These a-holes are possibly even worse than the deluded bigots who voted for Moore, because despite everything that was at stake they still chose to treat it like a joke (as if whoever was elected, decent KKK-prosecuting Democrat or rabidly racist child-molesting right-wing scumbag, it’s all the same).

Agree. I thought the fifth paragraph of this blog hit on the real problem, which is that so many media outlets will publish anything having to do with Trump because they got access to him. There’s nothing new at all in this interview: I know legislation. Belieeeeve me, I know. My knowings are the biggest and best

I don’t know why people thought he’d “change” and be more “presidential” after being elected, he’s 70 years old, this is who he is.

I can’t remember ever seeing this degree of over the top mental illness in ANY public figure before. He is a cliche cartoon crazy person. It’s almost like he spent the last 20 years absorbing all the hyperbolic jokes about him, and decided that’s what he actually was.

Don Lemon said last night “We were here before Trump, and we will be here once he leaves”.

I know it is bad to hate, but I have never hated anyone or anything more than I hate this fucking dumb fuck so-called president we have right now. What an asshole.

I stopped being shocked by this turd when it became clear that he’s lived the sort of life where he’s always had absolute power and he’s been able to say any bullshit thing that comes into his head without being challenged.

As much as I absolutely despite this buffoon, I have to admit that he may have a point about the media - not that they are going to cover him favourably, but that his gong show of a presidency is like a car wreck that the media can’t ignore. During the election it made me so angry that he got so much coverage. If this

I believe the tone of the article is that “Tony” is a “John” and the “first date” was a “girlfriend experience” gone horribly, horribly awry.