The Girl Who Waited on Tables

I’m not condemning him for it, but that’s what it is. That third-party candidates have little chance of winning isn’t his fault and he did the right thing for him and his campaign. This discussion was about whether or not what HRC was illegal or whether Bernie Sanders did much the same thing regarding a deal with the

I apologize, I do not understand the point you are trying to make. Are you saying the DNC is bitching about Bernie Sanders not being a democrat and that’s unfair, when he isn’t a democrat? I don’t know that “they” are saying that at all; I said that. He never even switched parties. Bernie is a socialist, and how that

Thanks for fixing, it doesn’t change my argument though, it only strengthens it. He knew he didn’t have a chance without running as a democrat. That is factually wanting democratic voters.

The fact that he is a declared Independent?

So your rejoinder is that “if” she lost, she “might have” taken all her money back? Have you read the whole contract, because I haven’t, and this is Donna Brazile’s words from her excerpt. “Her campaign” would have the right to use it, as you point out in that excerpt. If she lost, no campaign and since we are not

I think what you mean to say is, Bernie could have never gotten as far as he did on an Independent ticket. So yes, it’s perfectly logical that he should have honestly run as what he is declared to be, an Independent. That he didn’t was strategic. He wouldn’t have taken away any votes that weren’t going to be taken

From what I read, Bernie didn’t give any money he raised to the party (because he’s not a democrat and only ran as a democrat to cash in on blue voters), despite signing a very similar agreement. Hillary bailed out the DNC and asked for control if she became the nominee, which she did. This is right-baiting in order

He’s speaking to his peops.

I like this, it’s catchy.

As a college professor, I give my students prompts and prep work beforehand so they have something to say, and I use contestable questions where every answer is based on perspective, not right or wrong. That said, I do cold-call my students, but I tell them they can pass if they want to. I let them respond on paper

I suggest you never go to her shows then. There, your discomfort is solved!

Then they can choose not to, but at least they have the choice. You don’t need to concern-troll their feelings.

Tori Amos regularly polices her audience to create the effect and deliver the performance she wants. I was at a Boston show many years ago where she kicked out two young women for talking and texting while she was playing. It is absolutely her right to do so, as it is Pimienta’s.

I’ve heard of one of those things.

Actually white male performers have been doing this for decades, hot girls up front, boob flashing appreciated.

You figured it out! Good for you.

Don’t forget while asking them to flash their boobs for the Jumbotron! I guess it’s okay if you can coerce women into nudity for your own pleasure.

Right, and many male-fronted bands call for women to come to the front too, and then flash their boobs for the jumbotron. Fuck those offended, this isn’t for them.

Am I bad if I say this looks faked? I didn’t watch the full clip, but based on this .gif, she’s faking right? I’ve seen people faint before, but they usually get ashy and then blank eyes.

History teachers and researchers can take tomorrow off, and all the other days too. Nothing to learn from history anymore, since it’s unfair to the long-dead people who lived then.