The Girl Who Waited on Tables

Yeah, I got cold sores as a kid. I’ve already blamed mom for too many other things though, so I let this one go.

And my understanding is that herpes can lie dormant for years. How can she prove it came from Sephora?

At least it’s not the kiss of death.

I have this sneaking suspicion that they will claim she offered to have sex to prevent arrest and prosecution. Then it becomes a he said/she said. Let’s not forget Brock Turner was caught by eye witnesses/heroes, Stuebenville players recorded themselves, and so on with hundreds of other examples.

Because Trump has the voters and Pence doesn’t. They rely on Trump tp keep the base riled up and filled with anger and hate. Pence couldn’t motivate a poster on motivation.

I’ve had the same thought re: Trump supporters. They have gotten way too invested in his presidency representing them. That is, if Facebook rants can be believed, we should be worried.

Nah, she’s just generically attractive enough (with the help of make-up, bleach, veneers, and likely a boob job) for Brietbart readers to think they have a slim chance with her, because she gets them.

“what we’ve got here is, failure to communicate...”

As one academic to another, you’re right. We want to share knowledge among our peers, and list it on our c.v.’s. And protest movements have certainly had their conference-like gatherings, but the monetary aspect of this made me pause, messaging was way off, and putting Bernie Sanders as the opening talk, definitely

I agree, which also confronts the classist nature of this convention. I marched, I Huddled, but when this convention was announced, I immediately sensed the incorporation of a movement that was losing its grass-roots origins. They seemed to have responded to the criticism, but they are drifting away from speaking to

Something to remember the death of millions by!

Can it buy a billboard in Ohio or somewhere? Half a billboard? Informational leaflets? Keychains?

Also, there are books in schools. Lots of them. In the school library, in classrooms, in offices, in desks and lockers. I wonder if he read a dailycaller report that schools are running out of books and posted accordingly.

I can’t speak for them (didn’t reply) but I go with my children all the time, my niece who doesn’t have cable or Internet goes to access her accounts and check out movies and television series (and books!) and our local library hosts a ton of great summer programs (not just reading programs) for the whole county

Shhhh, this is no time for logic. ICE would have been waiting in the delivery room. But the baby can stay and pay taxes and work in their hotels. Don’t let your right hand know what the other right hand is doing.

Why I will never eat these or any other gummies. Gross.

You mean a bus?

From what I’m hearing from Trump supporters, I’d say what Orwell got wrong is that the party believes they are the resistance, and the book is Brietbart, and they believe they are the ones fighting big brother because only they really know what’s going on, by reading Brietbart (or thedailycaller, or whatever made up

Hello, are you me? My sister convinced my mother that I was trying to steal my neice’s baby (her granddaughter).

My first response wasn’t even adequate. I have panic-attacks thinking about these children and their families, and if that had happened to my children, no words. To target children. I can’t understand how any parent, or any but the coldest of human being, can wish this on anyone. So it must be that they truly think it