
I have contained my rage at this listing for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon it like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile mall-crawler! Begone from me! 

  • Captain: Chakotay

It’s definitely the Camry, such that they’ve conditioned me to get excited when I happen to roll an Avalon. 

The rare case where the nice price is also the *nice* price. 

Now playing

How has no one posted “Bad Girls” yet?

Yeah, I don’t get all the CP votes on this one. This is a lot of vehicle for the money, presented well, and a warranty! 

Sometimes one of us would ride in the hatch of my buddy’s FB RX-7.

My dad used to drive us around in the back of a 240SX. 

The interior chrome issue plagues the new Jags too. Honestly dangerous on a sunny day! 

And no one suggested a RHD, 25-year-ruled S-Cargo??

Also “ice-en-ing” for icing. 

Interesting quirks and features! 

Dolph Lundgren as The Punisher!

I’ll drink to that.

Thank you for this. I was just thinking about how if you want a nice convertible that isn’t a lesser variant of a sports or muscle car but, rather, a comfortable cruiser, Mercedes is the only choice you have left! Unless Buick still sells that, what’s it called, the Cicada? 

Jalopnik suggesting that someone buy the wrong Seville. Disgraceful.

If he has No Time To Die, I guess he’ll just have to Die................................ Another Day. 

RWD in the snow to go skiing, you say?