The Ghost of Rodney Dangerfield

Corn didn’t take the silver?? Corn is in everything!

If you’re still on Facebook, you’re a cunt.

I really want to believe you do that when you rent a hotel room.

That Lady Gaga is such an attention whore.

For me (and I can’t speak of Knight since I’m still last gen), the series goes in order of best to least best: City, Asylum, and Origins. I thought Origins was good considering it wasn’t Rocksteady-made, but was a little disappointed, in the end. And it chugged along framerate-wise, for some reason, and buildings

I dare someone to google the words “just nuts”.

I think that’s the guy I pay to clean my pool...

I would still love the shit out of this cat.

How do I find Donald?

Yeah, but he gets paid in gyros and feta, because greek money is smash a plate worthless.

I’m not saying it was LostEngineer, but

Sometimes a cigar-shaped craft is just a cigar-shaped penis— I mean, craft.

Gary The No-Trash Cougar Sez: Give A Larbage, Throw Out Your Garbage!

A lot of women say kidney stones are far worse than child birth, meaning men can understand that level of pain, therefore, women can shut up about child birth now.

I was just wondering... could it be possible to mod the PC version of this to have David Hayter’s voice instead of Queefer Sutherland’s? I mean, if they got him to read the lines?

Look, you just terraformed Mars, and the first thing you do is litter and read a damn comic book? We don’t deserve a planet, let alone a second one.