The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

Ok, as an airline pilot I can tell we do not assume you are drunk and kick you off. Here is the rule; If you appear intoxicated by federal law we cannot allow you on the flight. That’s it, not even actually drunk, but if you stumble up, slurring words, and acting like an ass then yeah, no ride for you

also, still with

I worked downtown DC when POTUS goes to VP or National Cathedral they would go by and I would look down from my office. Yes you can see the trucks with the mini gun hatch and the cell jammer. They also had multiple trucks with minimal Plexiglas hatch roof. You can see 4-6 dudes fully armed ready to pop out the roof.   

1000% yes. partly because of the notion that any old fart at the golf club (who may or may not even like cars) or a soccer mom can smoke people who’ve obsessed over cars their whole lives. when in fact, there are ALSO huge car nuts who like electric AND gas cars. it’s not a zero sum game folks. 

I love how acceleration has become a ‘trick’. I’ve spent decades and untold dollars in the pursuit of going faster, as I’m sure many enthusiasts have, and acceleration was kinda the goal. Now these cars show up that will blow the doors off 95% of anything they might come across at a stoplight and suddenly that

Also, believe it or not, any Hummer that is owned by an actual government military agency.

Love an anti-lag crackle coming from a car going at full chat on a race course.

There’s absolutely no reason a car on the street should be making a noise like that.

The same with any type of shoplifting or register theft. Small doses over time. But unfortunately, greed always takes over.

Also, is it illegal to swipe a card twice and then pump your gas? Like is it on the consumer to go to the business and say it didn’t charge anything? Obviously at 30k it’s a harder claim to make lol, and the fact that she was “selling” the glitch. Without those two things I feel like it is varying degrees of illegal? 

“professional scammers like banks” lol  I see what you did there.

I get the creepy suspicion this guy has been sitting on the other side of his front door for weeks/months/years with a loaded gun, hoping and praying someone would give him the tiniest reason to pull the trigger.

I saw another article that said he told his wife to hide in the closet before heading out the front door with his loaded shotgun.  Yeah, I can see him being totally jacked: THIS IS MY MOMENT, THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN PREPARING FOR!   dumbass.  I just wish Kaylin didn’t have to die for him to learn his stupid lesson.

Everyone who buys a gun for self-defense (and every police officer) should be asked this question under oath... “When you wake up in the morning do you hope today is the day you get to use your gun, or do you fear today is the day you have to use your gun.” Only people (and potential officers) who hope to never have

This dude, like so many ammosexuals, thought himself as a good guy with a gun and fantasized how he would save the day with his gun. 

Fuck this clown. Aside from his lack of remorse, he also claimed he accidentally discharged the weapon a 2nd time (the shot that killed the girl) because he tripped on some nails on his deck.

When I was in college, there was a years long mystery in the CS dept of someone taking smearing dumps on the top of the toilet tank in the men’s restroom. This person was known in the dept as the “phantom crapper”. Yep, I’m typing this because it turned out to be a professor. A friend of mine in the department was

You don’t need to brace yourself.  You need to find an independent specialist for any out-of-warranty work.  The problem here is dealership price gouging. 

it appears as though dealers across the nation are slapping i3 owners with huge repair bills.”

Why don’t they just blatantly call it the Kardashian Edition already.

Gotta love how Mercedes leans in to the “what would an awful, nouveau riche person with absolutely no taste want to drive?” market.

She wasn’t fired. Her contract was up & Disney didn’t renew it. This lawsuit isn’t going anywhere, she has no case.