As an X-ennial, I am on your side. I stand beside you to fight against Gen X erasure.
As an X-ennial, I am on your side. I stand beside you to fight against Gen X erasure.
“ eclectic mix of people: Groups of Gen Z coworkers, Millennials clearly on dates, and Boomer couples who I imagine have called this neighborhood home for decades.”
Leaving 2 minutes before the end of an exciting game when you got free seats is ridiculous behavior. You better have a good excuse. I am glad Emily was denied free seats again. Comp those seats to someone who is a real fan.
If you assume a cop’s initial statement in the wake of an incident is a lie, you will be correct in your assumption 100% of the time.
Those same people are going to be festooning their own non-autonomous cars with turquoise leds so they won’t get pulled over for playing with their phones.
Great idea but I fear society has degraded so much that people will use this as an indicator to mess with them, purposely brake checking to test the system and stuff. Just like how I imagine when we see more Cybertrucks on the road, it’ll also be a thing for strangers to hit random Cybertrucks with a sledge hammer
2 14 year old girls, so 8th grade or HS froshes, out past 2AM with 2 older teenage boys? Their D.D. was either also drunk or just a really bad driver, as well? There’s so many red flags here it’s impossible to count.
I fully understand that there are less water intensive crops that could be grown besides almonds, but if we should avoid almond milk due to the water usage to make it, does that also mean we should run even farther away from dairy milk? At least from the article I found from Columbia University, cow’s milk requires…
As a Gen X girl, we don’t give a flying *bleep* about any of this nonsense and would be thrilled—if being thrilled were something we do—not to partake. Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine over here in the corner feeling smugly superior as you bash each other over banalities.
Hear hear! Also, naked Milk Bar cakes may not be my first choice because I like all the frosting, but *all* cake is a-ok in this Gen X’rs book.
I used to work in the security industry and in some sates/counties for us to get law enforcement to enforce the law (aka arrest people trespassing, vandalizing, assaulting, etc) we had to employ them while off-duty. Legit had to pay them $50/hr to run 12 hour “security” shifts. When we stopped because they would…
“sandwiched between Boomers who hate us and Gen Z’ers who both hate us and think we’re cringe.”
“millennials’ precarious position sandwiched between Boomers who hate us and Gen Z’ers who both hate us and think we’re cringe.”
I forgot how destructive the almond industry is to California’s resources. I use almond milk daily in a smoothie. I can easily switch back to soy (lactose intolerant).
I own several guns, but I also have enough sense to not start a conflict and pull it out on someone I don’t know or have not involvement with. They are for defense, not offense.
Ya, “guns don’t kill people” until they do...because that’s the entire purpose of their existence, and then someone like this wants to be treated as logically separate from an apparently semi-sentient inanimate object. The man’s face ran into her gun’s trigger, or something.
Amen to every part of this.
her lawyers argued that an altercation ensued between the two and that’s when the handgun went off,
If you don’t believe that the rights of *all* persons accused of a crime must be taken seriously and respected, and that everyone is entitled to due process, you don’t actually believe in the “rule of law.”
“Yes, I understand the accused have a right to an attorney, and she did her job.”