The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

The state of New York legalized abortion in 1970; Roe being overturned should have absolutely no bearing on this whatsoever. The hospital is gonna lose unless they pay her a TON of money & fire that doctor.

I was 13 when the original movie came out. I was a bad Catholic school girl, about to be confirmed, and my parents asked me what gift I would like for this milestone...I replied “I want to go see The Exorcist!” AND MY PARENTS ACTUALLY TOOK ME! I was also the church organist (insufferable child prodigy) and I would

So I’m sure they’re holding this same standard with any medications that might affect men’s sperm, right?

This might not be as scary as others, but it freaked me out and I’ve waited a whole year to share. Last year, there was a story in the Top 10 about a Black Dog at Army Camp. The poster talked about going to the river to watch a meteor shower. I know where that is. I’ve been there, taken my kids to swim in the river

Not me, but a friend from school— we were all attending school in a small Canadian city where there are quite a lot of colleges and universities for its size, so lots of young people and parties/ bars, etc. My friend lived alone in a one bedroom ground floor apartment with a patio with a door that locked and a front

Mine decided to hide in the middle of one of those big circular racks of clothes at the mall. He thought this was all great fun, watching us freak out and scream his name.


AGGGHHHHH!!! Cripes.

My 2.5 year-old choked on a hotdog just 3 days ago. Airway completely blocked. I turned him over and hit his back with the heel of my hand (turns out, upon research, I should have done the Heimlich on someone his age) and after about 5 whacks he threw up and it came out. Probably only 20 seconds in total but it felt

I feel you. Chicago 2015. We are living on the second floor in a two bedroom walkup with our four year old son in Uptown. I wake up early one morning because I think I heard something. I look around and find our front door open. All three locks including the chain that is near the top of the door have been unlocked. A

Before I had kids I saw a father crossing an urban street with a toddler on 2 leashes-like a wild stallion. I wondered what his home life was like. I found out. There’s an old Doris Day movie called, “Please Dont eat the Daisies.” In that there’s a toddler who can only say “Coky COOLA”, and has to be kept in a


Oof... as a mother this is terrifying. Little turd. My baby brother (now 41) did this to my mother at age 2. In a clothing store, hidden in a wrack of clothes (think ross type with round big wracks). This is the 80s, they had no procedures. She’s frantic. He finally comes out giggling. He got a leash after that.

Exactly this. Laphonza will only be serving out the remainder of Feinstein’s term - As you mention: California’s Jungle Primary will more than likely boil down to a match-up of Schiff and Porter; Porter may be the Progressive Wing’s Darling of the two but Schiff is sitting on a war chest of money to spend. Any

I wandered off from my Grandmother’s side at a Mexican carnival once when I was four years old. Poor Grams, who spoke absolutely no Spanish, was absolutely besides herself and convinced that I was gone forever. She found me ten minute later, coming off of a ride with a nice Mexican couple who had found me crying and

My freshman dorm was co-ed — boys and girls divided into parallel halls on each floor, split by a bank of elevators in the middle. On my floor, the elevators were rumored to be haunted by a student who struggled with depression and died in his room about 15 years earlier. The circumstances were unclear but part of the

My prize possession is a childhood photo where I am on a leash, and the dog is not.

This could’ve been my brother, Mike, back in the early 60s. After the first scare my mom did get a harness and leash. When she’d get the shitty looks from others she’d say better the leash than an ambulance.

Oh man. My son was a runner at that age too. And he started walking at 9 months. I promptly decided I was one and done. I don’t know how people do it with multiple kids.

My wife and I were at a croc/alligator rescue park in S. Carolina and my 7 year old wandered off with my 2 year old in a blink of an eye. I haven’t run in 10 years but I ran then.

They were fine, just had rounded a corner 10 ft away to get uncomfortably close to the fence to look at one of the largest crocodiles in