The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

Brown slackers need to unite and vote against him, even if it means voting for Mike Pence in the primary. I get PTSD from looking at Vivek. Vivek was the kid our parents would compare us to when they saw us slacking. I can hear mom now: “Vivek got an A in physics and you are sitting there watching your stupid

I’m looking forward to Ramaswamy trying to convince evangelicals that Hinduism and Christianity are basically the same thing.

Disney is not “non-litigious,” they are, in fact, famously quite litigious, which is why picking this fight to win a culture most people do not give much of a fuck about, one way or another, was yet another idiotic move on the part of this wet fart. 

The “pro-life” crowd seems to think that they are winning over women and other voters by making their policies regarding abortion even more brutal. Does Hannity think he’s going to get through to those numbnuts who are so entrenched in keeping women as 2nd class citizens?

I think we need to quit giving the GOP too much credit they are in NO way “pro-life” they are pro-control. They clearly do not care about life since they do nothing to curb the #1 killer the children they claim to care so much about..they just want to control women and keep them in “their place” let’s not forget the

“Life begins at conception”

That evangelical base has been easy to pander to for 50 years with things like springing abortion bills because even conservatives thought that a conservative Supreme Court would respect precedent on such a hotbutton issue. What Republican politicians didn’t take into account was that even among Republicans a majority

I live in Ohio and have to say that yes, Republicans actually did do a fantastic job of reframing this awful thing. They made it almost entirely about abortion, but the problem with that is that abortion is no longer the slam-dunk they think it is. It was also extremely blatant misdirection on their part, and people

Political parties, in the US two-party system at least, need to be able to figure out how to sell their hardline single-issue voters on compromise. Because the general public doesn’t tend to congregate at the fringes, they congregate at the middle and while parties need their bases at some point catering to those

The right have caught themselves in a rhetorical trap of their own making. The evangelical base has been very consistent in their belief that life begins at conception. (Like many Americans, I think this is a ludicrous position, but that’s what they’ve stated over and over.) If that’s your starting point, there is no

Reminder as if anyone needs it that Republicans know their policies in general are not popular, and that’s why they usually focus on things like raising the voting age, making it harder to vote, securing and maintaining power without the need for voters, etc. Voters are an obstacle to the Republican goal of total

“You guys didn’t heave enough buckets of bullshit at the wall to stick and make it easier for us to rule the common rabble. Why aren’t you simply saying ‘I know God personally and he told me you are going to hell for having free thought?’” is probably what Hannity is trying to convey. He knows exactly what the people

School bus drivers in Louisville make $21 an hour for what’s essentially a part time job with no benefits.

Average rent in Louisville is ~$1,200.

I don’t know about you folks, but this liberal sure feels owned.

These are conservatives we’re talking about. They love trad gender roles, and those don’t include fathers actually raising their kids.

They probably think this will play well with the Republican crowd, where the only thing a husband is supposed to do with their kids is shout at them for hanging out with those people or arranging cash for a brief trip to Mexico for some slut who his son trapped in a room at a party.  

You try driving with 5" lifts in your heeled ankle boots.

Holy fuck, what a piece of shit human.

Honestly, I think the dog is in better hands. Hoping it gets adopted by a loving family real soon. Horrible, horrible thing to do to it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t there at all. I’m with the