The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

It really is glutted right now because all the big names tried to jump in at once without considering that a lot of people would be reluctant to drop that kind of money on an EV.

I don’t think Shaq’s in any real hurry to get anywhere nowadays.

And there are so many of them, for an organization that I doubt more than 2% of the country even knows exists.

So I took a look through AAMVA’s financials (since they’re a non-profit, it’s all public), and it appears to get most of its money from dues. Membership has two tiers, Jurisdiction (restricted to government entities) and Associate (everyone else). The first is members-only, but the Associate list is right on their web

Ah, yes, of course this is in Southern California. The whole area is full of rides like this, cars that were once owned by the moneyed class but are now driven by poseurs who want people who don’t know any better to think they’re billionaires.

I’ve seen exactly one on the road, and I live in San Diego. 

It looks quite resilient to blunt force, but I would bet a hit by a Molotov cocktail would fuck it pretty quickly.

It will actually take disapproval through the Congressional Review Act, not an executive order, but with the GOP in control of the whole government, that won’t be a challenge.

One more: The DOE Loan Program Office is the rare example of a government program that has actually turned a profit. Over its lifetime, it’s had less than a 2% failure rate (better than most banks) and a net return of more than $3B.

1st gear

The CA DMV has something like 40M registrations to deal with, so it takes a bit longer. I can understand why they want to move in this direction. 

When I was in the Navy, the base cops twice scraped my parking sticker because they thought the plate sticker was out of date.

Not that I think this is worth the $500 they charge, but what it does is allow you to renew on the fly with their app, and the expiration date updates immediately, instead of having to wait a few weeks for the sticker.

What do you bet they all drove to the BMW dealership right afterward, and his little princess got exactly the car she wanted?

I want to feel bad for that guy, but as a dad with three kids as well, you and I know this situation didn’t just happen.

31 large for someone else’s hand-built faux dragster?

My Standard Range Plus Model 3 had an EPA range of 240 miles, a stated in-car range at 100% charge of ~209 miles, and a practical range of about 150 miles based on how I drove it.

I might be forgetting one tire replacement? The eGolf has about 38k miles. But if so, they were cheap tires.

That’s a really well-sorted car that has clearly been someone’s baby, but $13.5k is a lot for a heavily modified 17-yo car, especially without a comprehensive mod list (which I’m 100% certain an owner like this has maintained - why isn’t it in the ad?). Sad ND.

Since 2017, I have now owned 3 EVs: an eGolf (passed down to kids), a Model 3 (sold), and now an i5. It isn’t that EVs have lower maintenance costs. They basically have no maintenance costs at all. The eGolf is still on its original brakes and tires. The Model 3 required one pair of new tires. Other than that, they