This is just such a weird end result for what the concept car promised. So many bizarre design choices that are clearly the result of some years-long tug of war between the designers, engineers, and accounting/marketing.
This is just such a weird end result for what the concept car promised. So many bizarre design choices that are clearly the result of some years-long tug of war between the designers, engineers, and accounting/marketing.
I rented a Sentra a few weeks ago on a trip, and it was nice enough car for that purpose. But I haven’t given it a single thought since I turned it in.
But who’s going to see this “clean look” beyond the mechanics at the Bentley dealership?
What is the point of that engine bay? No one who owns one of these things is going to open their own hood to access either of the exactly two exposed fluid caps, so why does everything else need to be hidden under a second layer of plastic?
Yet another unfinished project car being offered by a guy whose wife has threatened divorce unless he gets rid of it. This is a last-ditch attempt to show her it’s worth something but no one will take it off his hands.
I was really trying to imagine what he might be offended by, but those wheels do kind of suck.
Anyone who sees this will assume it’s fake, and you’ll be forever arguing with people who insist Bentley never made a station wagon.
I was really hoping to read a testy statement from Lincoln’s PR department in this story.
Never underestimate what can happen at the intersection of severe entitlement and financial illiteracy.
People, when the engineers tell you, “This thing will not work, and I’m not getting in it,” listen to them.
It’s expensive to be poor. That’s a feature of this country, not a bug. Bootstraps!
Clearly there’s a market for these things, though I’m at a loss to guess who it is.
If you visit the r/airbnb subreddit, you’ll see this situation is hardly remarkable. Gunfights aren’t even the worst thing that goes on.
Greece played host to a record 33 million tourists in 2023, and estimates indicate that record will be stretched to around 38 million this year, with a quarter of them arriving by cruise ship.
The problem for NASA, as well as DoD, is what are their other domestic options? There really aren’t any.
One has to wonder just how the hell an automotive lifestyle brand founded by the late Ken Block wound up over a billion dollars in debt just over a decade after it was founded.
How are these people actually sleeping with Autopilot on? I have a Model 3 and Autopilot yells at me if I look at the screen for more than 2 seconds.
My understanding (I’ve been looking at these) is that the 2022 and 2023 models had some annoying bugs that drove people to dump them quickly.
I mean, it’s barely even a “warship.” There are dozens of super yachts that dwarf this thing. It’s only 1800 tons and not even 300' long. Not exactly the Bismarck.
I suspect not much if at all. They’re clearly going after the minivan market with this thing, and it’s well above the competition in terms of pricing. A fully loaded Sienna Platinum tops out around $58k.