
I don't know what argument you're trying to start, but yes teenage boys are shitheads and, no, wagging a finger in their face and saying "That's wrong!" usually doesn't fix them, they'll still be shitheads.

Tony marries Dr. Melfi? Mamma mia!

The Sopranos is the best TV show ever, you should get on that.

I'm the guy who would say that The Mollusk is the saving grace of that two weeks.


Speaking as a former 17 year old boy, that's just how 17 year old boys act. Do you know how many girls I told weren't "REAL PUNX" when I was 17 because they listened to Green Day but didn't know Rudimentary Peni? A LOT.

Did he leave behind a clue for all the dude bros who love Fight Club but totally don't get it?

Somebody disbar that judge for referencing Die Another Day. Acknowledging the existence of that movie should be against the Geneva Convention!

To be fair, season 1 Community was very different from season 3 Community.

If you want some serious "what the fuck", look into the last year of 'Til Death, Brad Garrett's post-Everybody Loves Raymond venture. I don't even know where to start, so I'll just link to the AV Club's own article about it:

It sure astonished #6.

They sure did, as a flash animated web series. It stank!

I don't know if you've heard what Jeffrey Jones has been up to, but WHOO BOY

[sobs, somberly paws at The Critic DVD set]

In the late 90s and early 00s they caused me a lot of depression.

Yeah, but that's just how I punctuate every sentence.


"Not enough sexy animated animal broads." ~ Walt Disney

"Oh, you think Bernie Sanders is cool? Yeah, I voted for him the first time when he was DENNIS KUCINICH!" ~ Me alienating all of my friends during last year's election cycle

Warner Bros. entire decision making process is dictated by chopping the head off a chicken, placing it on a "Jump To Conclusions" mat, and then making whatever it falls dead upon.