
Spent too long staring at the eclipse?

Spent too long staring at the eclipse?

You've redeemed yourself.

You've redeemed yourself.

You know what, maybe it's good the comments are going away if this is the shit people actually think.

You know what, maybe it's good the comments are going away if this is the shit people actually think.

Love a good old fashioned.

The fire sprinkler in the living room of my apartment went off on Sunday night.

At least Kinja Day isn't as bad as Rex Manning Day.

The fuck, is this guy a descendent of Jim Jones?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is the Achtung Baby effect and that The Arcade Fire are just the new U2.

As a Father's Office loyalist, I take offense to the idea that New York pioneered the art of the modern gourmet burger.


And like high school, with any luck none of us will never hear from each other ever again!

That was announced three years ago, and I'm convinced I'll be dead and buried in the cold ground before it ever opens.

The movie theater chains aren't offering this service, it's a third party subscription. You pay MoviePass your subscription fee and they pay the cost of the ticket to the theater. Basically it's a business model that banks on earning its profit through most of its subscribers only seeing 2-3 movies a month.

And if they don't, hey, that's what flasks were invented for!

I've had a shockingly good run of movie-going experiences of late. It has to be unsustainable, I'm sure I'll be involved in a theater shooting sometime soon.

Let me just say that I'm as delighted by your username as I am offended by it. Bravo!

Yeah, the show looks like shit.