
I liked Interstellar a lot more the first time when it was called Sunshine.

This guy is the Futurama 80s Wall Street Guy come to life, it's insane.

Every 1 get a lode of this moran!

When the Egyptian revolution was happening there were a lot of people posting updates to Twitter, and I was like, "THIS IS THE FUTURE OF NEWS, THIS IS TRULY A NEW FRONTIER FOR JOURNALISM!"


Scrotum Flakes is the worst breakfast cereal I've ever heard of.

But enough about my family reunion, HEY-OH!

It's understandable, I tried to spruce my place up with a giant golden sign that says "D. BOON", but then the HOA came at me… why do I even pay those fees?

90% of the comments here are shitposts

This is why I only go to Arclight, Laemmle, and Landmark theaters. Strict limit of three or less previews. I get so angry when I schlep my way into an AMC theater for 2 hours of trailers.

You have strong opinions for a grade schooler there, Pickle.

I bought a pair of their top of the line Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones and they're pretty nifty!

Set it during '89-93 and make it like "When Harry Met Sally", and we'll just check in with them every year.

How about a romantic comedy about a rotound couple who meet-cute at a Buffalo Wild Wings during a Bills game?

One of the most common criticisms of McCartney's songwriting is that it's too rooted in fantasy and heavy on cartoonish qualities, but I don't think that's been a relevant claim for at least 20 years.

That album and Driving Rain are a couple of heavy hitters that could rank in his top 5.

People will poo poo this opinion, but McCartney has released nothing but great albums one after the other since Flowers in the Dirt. The only exception is Off the Ground, and even that's not a waste of time.

I did, it's my second favorite movie of the year after A Monster Calls.

As I said to my friend yesterday, "I hate movies that are all about plots and telling stories. I don't go to movies to be told a story, I'm not 7!"

I've heard worse ideas.