
I've heard very good things about The Void.

Good work, detective!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the home video releases of House of Carda and Orange is the New Black have commentaries. I mean, how fucking hard would it be to add that online?


Mike Pence won't allow himself to watch Wonder Woman alone. Who knows what he'd do!

If the villain is The Eagles I'll be standing in line for this weeks in advance.

I work with her, she also saw Chris Stapleton so her taste isn't completely terrible, but on the other hand when I told her I was seeing Bjork she said "Who?" so the jury is still out.

Is anybody else reading this posts in a tone where the last word has a bizarre upward inflection?

Yeah, well, I know people who spent $400 to see Faith Hill so let's not go fucking crazy here.


Does anybody know why HBO crops all their movies to be 1.78:1, even on the HBO GO/NOW app? I kinda get why they would do it for TV broadcasts, but it's fucking annoying that they do it on the app too.

But also naked Halle Berry. You win some, you lose some.

Yeah dawg this movie completely blows.

This is kinda shitty since 1) Fire Walk With Me sucks 2) it already had a pretty complete Blu-ray release and 3) Lost Highway and Elephant Man haven't even had ONE Blu-ray release.

~ Bryan Singer

Last week I was saying that it's been awhile since the United States had a good cult scare, so… thanks?


I'm about to drive to work, maybe if I'm lucky I'll die in a flaming car wreck.

Hmm… I'll be in my bunk.

If somebody leaves a comment and it's in the greys, did they ever really comment at all?