
I literally just bought a giant poster of a thug Bugs Bunny (Thugs Bunny?). Can't wait to frame it and hang it in my living room.

I prefer a network that gets fun-nay. Consistently and thoroughly.

Punching Harder, What Does It Solve? Does It Solve Anything? Let's Find Out!

Critics rave, AV Club commenter Pairesta "is inoffensive" and "bland".

Jerry Brown can fuck right off. Jello Biafra should write a song about him or something!

Portland is great but I would willingly sacrifice it to vaporize the rest of the state.

Florida sucks, but they're just ripping off Maine, which invented being the shittiest state in America. Maine would rank a lot higher on lists of shitholes if people actually went there.

The far superior Disneyland is in far superior Southern California.

It's a Kevin Smith movie. Of course it's especially terrible!

I went to Kubrick's house once (for real; long story). I didn't get to go inside. But that was more interesting than this episode.

We can only hope. And I mean that on both counts.

It would be Yesterday's Got Mine, save that title for record #102.

I just got the Robert Pollard 100 album cover collection book in the mail and I love it! I'll listen to and buy just about anything he makes.

That would explain why I'm so exceptionally boring.

Newt Gingrich is gestating the Antichrist in his neck wattle.

I don't think he did, and even so his response was "I hope there are tapes! That would make this whole thing a lot easier!"

He gave a speech two days ago in Iowa where he said, point blank, that he wants bankers running the country. And the audience, waving "Drain the Swamp" banners, cheered.

I don't know what to make of this world. I fully expect to one day turn on The Morning Show and see Stevie Wonder there, and he'll take off his glasses and be like, "Hah, gotcha fuckers, I could see this whole time!"


Shut up.