
Yeah but even if I did agree with all that (and I don't), I'd still hate Uber and all the other sharing economy companies on principle.

Is Imperial Bedroom the best album of the '80s?

I'm incredibly bored at work and I have no interest in this story. Instead I'd like to take this moment to say that "Rainbow Connection" not winning an Academy Award may be the single greatest injustice in human history.

That's been bred into them via generations of Irish women having to fuck the Irish men.

I live in LA and I don't know where the redheads are at.

Yeah, fuck the Irish!

No, I'm withholding it. Look at me, getting off.

Yes this is exactly the reason why he doesn't get real roles, and I don't know why the other commenters are glossing it over. Hollywood turned its back on him, not the other way around, and that's why he takes anything he can get.

I could have watched that floor get swept for another thirty minutes.

Nothing delights me more than Diane cursing at everybody like a sailor.

Because you touch yourself at night.


Kinja is a conspiracy. Paid commenters! Fake!

Alex Jones sounds like a really cool guy. How does one get to be so cool? I wish I was that cool!

I hope so.

Whooo, we did it, men win again!

Let's not mince words here, Wahlberg shouted racist slurs at a Vietnamese man and then threw a rock at him and blinded him. The only benefit of the doubt that Wahlberg has is that he was a shitty teenager and doesn't have a repeated history of this kind of behavior, unlike some people.

I sorta liked the first one, but no way in hell am I spending money on anything starring Mel Gibson.

I've been listening to a lot of Iggy Pop as well, getting really psyched to see him at FYF. He's one of those guys you can never count out, he'll release three or four terrible albums ina row and you'll think he's finished, and then he just comes roaring back.

Video Game Robots, Can They Be People? What Can They Be? Let's Find Out!, coming in 2018.