
These are the same criticisms people lobbed at Kenneth, Tracy, Jenna, etc. when 30 Rock was still airing, and naw, keep the joke machine in motion. I don't need emotional or intellectual investment in every character in a sitcom.

Cool opinion bro.

Women be shoppin'!

I remember when Azurik was supposed to be THE GAME that changed everything, like the first true next generation game.

♫ Single Female Lawyer,
Fighting for her client,
Wearing sexy miniskirts,
And being self-reliant ♫

Season 2 was more fun, I think, and the sarcoma guy makes an appearance!

I know I subscribe to Netflix specifically to scroll through every category, find two dozen movies in each one that I want to watch, then throw my hands up and say "UGH THERE'S NEVER ANYTHING GOOD ON HERE!" and go make a grilled cheese.

Mmm, that's good Kinja.

Love is actually funny, though.

Flaked is easily the second worst Netflix original, barely ahead of Hemlock Grove. I seriously imagine the pitch was like, "How about You're the Worst, but we actually make it the WORST? Eh? EH?!"

If it's riskier, less sure-fire hits they're looking for, perhaps they'd like to purchase my treatment for a western starring gun slingers Billy Joel and Bruce Hornsby, The Piano Men.

Oh great, so after years of posting on the AV Club I'll have to beg to get out of the greys. Wonderful!

Yeah, right here MOTHERFUCKER!

[plays jingly piano tune]

We're the ghosts of privatized healthcare and a wildly unregulated pharmaceutical industry, awhoooooooo!!!!

If he's like other tech billionaires his homeopathic lifestyle will surely make swift work of him.

Bill Maher wrote for Breatbart?

Don't forget the Banana Stand. There's always money in the Banana Stand.

Lookwell might be the greatest parody an actor has ever done of themselves, it's wonderful.

Apologies if this came off as a humblebrag, I just wanted this to be a straight up brag.