You can see it, just don't touch it!
You can see it, just don't touch it!
Oh, they got electricity in Arkansas now?
Yup, sounds like Florida to me.
So much for the tolerant left!
I'm starting to think that all of the celebrity deaths in 2016 were actually our best people being raptured, and now we're actually living in Hell on Earth.
Are any of us?
I voted for Trump specifically because of dank meme potential, so I'm pretty happy.
The sequel is coming this Fall, surely they'll drop a surprise remastered edition of the first game ahead of it to drum up hype. Right?
I would even argue that Breaking Bad is supported entirely on the shoulders of its cast and the material isn't that great. It's no Sopranos.
It's irritating that outlets that are doing the real reporting (CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, etc.) have these lecherous hard-left rags take their work and rewrite it to be combative, and then young people eat it up and emulate their attitude. It's terrible for real political dialogue, to me those outlets are just…
Oh my god, can it be, another adult!? There are so few of us left!
The Krystallnacht Club
"Only Netflix is real" is also the guiding philosophy that I choose to apply to my entire life.
It can be two things.
This is also the excuse that I used to stop going to the gym, but the reality is that exercising is just The Worst.
I like to think of Trump news as a glass half full, except there's no glass, so it's just spilled milk all over my fucking breakfast every morning.
Meanwhile all my liberal Facebook friends are nonstop posting articles from "The Independent" and "Raw Story".
Things are getting too spicy for the pepper.
Everybody on Facebook is arguing over whether or not "13 Reasons Why" glamorizes suicide and whether or not people who commit suicide are justified in their actions, and I'm over here like, "This show is complete fantasy, nobody is going to care this much when I kill myself!"