
The screaming at the end is correct, and the point made is also, unfortunately, correct.

I just love the Schroedinger-esque simultaneous positions of “We’re the big dogs of the world, WE make the rules!” and “Hey, we can’t take a leadership role here, cuz India and China.”

“I’m sorry, we simply cannot do better.”

And how many cups of Starbucks can you buy for $180? I spent $22 on a Thermos that keeps my coffee hot for a good four hours. Even better, it keeps cold drinks cold for just as long.

It needs to be done and ill put my support behind the one who does it. My hometown is running on 50 yr old phone lines that can only handle low speeds, never seen anything over 3, and it goes out every time it rains. Frontier is the ISP and they are not willing to run new lines. The is my #1 issue in the upcoming

I have a regular dumb thermos for my morning coffee and it cost 20 bucks. My coffee stays hot for 8+ hours if I keep the lid closed. This product is extremely unnecessary even beyond the high cost.

OK, Bloomber.

This piece and the NCAUK tweets make crime sound cool af actually. Where do I sign up?

Still could happen.

Viewed through that lens, that’s *exactly* what happened to Deadspin.

They weren’t being told to “Stick to Sporps” as a editorial decision, they were being told to “Stay the fuck away from your leftist socialism promotion, or else”. “Your Rich White Male Overseers don’t want to hear you spreading that kind of

Honestly? My first thought when seeing the lede image was that this was the cast of the Russian-knockoff of Workaholics.

Definitely! The drivers would...

Yeah, it’s all about “state’s rights” until it isn’t convenient for your agenda *cough* vehicle emissions *cough*.

Except it’s not that simple. There’s no special box around a state’s border that keeps their own air, water, fauna, flora, etc. strictly within the state. Others are affected by what any give state does. Furthermore, idiots in the current generation spoil the nest of succeeding generations. A much more intelligent

And what I find even more annoying is the idea that this is anything cool and novel - that these idiots are innovators disrupting traditional business models, when working your employees to death while paying them as little as possible is more or less how things worked in the 19th century.

The point people seem to miss is that in the “classic model” of early stage startups (such as there is one), the people working 80-hour weeks have equity stakes in the business as part of their employment package. When that’s the case, you’re a part owner, so it’s not unreasonable to expect that you’ll do what is

America was founded by Puritans.
Religious zealots so uptight, the Church of England booted them out.
Think about that one.
It’s still in our core today.

Similarly, I have also “boycotted” eating feces and pouring bleach into my eyes. I'm quite the activist!

There are still some advantages here.

I mean it started with Kamala Harris repeatedly referring to herself as California’s “top cop” if you want to be a stickler.