
If you have Prime. 

My girlfriend and I were just talking about brand twitter in the car, how it’s repulsive and seems to have gotten woefully moreso in the last year. It’s almost something has coarsened the entirety of Western culture as it also rockets us towards economic and ecological doom, creating severe desperation on the parts of

Did any of these come through?

Did any of these come through?

Good point. When in Europe, I told my US friends what i paid for 200 Mbs upload and download fiber in a rural area (speeds which would not be possible in most rural areas in the US) and they lost their shit.

*pssst* thank you for your message.

*pssst* thank you for your message.

Why is nobody talking about the fact that he is clearly running a red across multiple lanes of traffic that have a green light???

They need to make a movie about this.  Remember when they made red dawn because “commies bad”.  Seriously people, wake the fuck up.  Corporations run this country and you have ZERO say in what goes down. Your vote means nothing. China owning said corporations is the beginning of the end.

I did have that same thought about maybe he had a drink at Nobu. But honestly, it’s also easy to hit stuff in a truck if you’re not used to that size of vehicle. I suspect Elon is just not terribly good at driving this monstrosity yet.

I was trying to figure that out as well - did he just dart across 6 lanes of traffic?  Also, it may be the  camera angle, but that thing looks like it has all the body roll on the back-end while making the turn.  How bout some torque vectoring there Tesla?


Quit pylon musk, you haters! Where’s your cybertruck invention? You can’t even afford upscale Japanese, you luddite losers. Please note: this comment is silly.

lol Anyone could’ve hit that”

I had the exact same thoughts. Without Mr. Norton.

Fail. The title should read “Pedo Guy hits traffic pylon...”

Even if Russia were to be caught red-handed of pushing for electoral fraud(again), nothing will change. The amount of power-hungry, nation-leading politicians in the world relying on foreign interference blacks out the sun. The victors control the narrative.

Eeveryone should also know theres a subreddit r/Sino with people paid by people affiliated with the Chinese as well as just general pro-Chinese people spreading lies about the Hong Kong protesters. Their government is stopping at nothing

Something about Beyond burgers hits me in a bad way. They reminded me of the horrid soy burgers served at our shitty public schools, but actually worse. I despised those school ‘burgers’, so this is some sort of bad flashback or something? I couldn’t get past the taste and I was burping up nastiness for the rest of

I honestly think Pelaton-husband is the target audience. Like the whole thing is mid-level MBA bro aspiration porn: “Give your smoke wife a Pelaton, she tightens that shit up, and then thanks you for it a year later. BALLER MOVE.”

What gets me is the part where she raves about going from 116 to 112 pounds. I did appreciate that the ad (mistakenly) outed the fact it took a year of insane workouts to lose four damn pounds and she looks exactly the same.