
They generate the most because they produce OUR stuff. Oh and top of that, we send them OUR plastic shit (remember that picture with the barefoot kid on top of the giant mountain made of plastic water bottle?). We are not able to manage our own waste so we ship it to them, and we are surprise that they cannot manage

When Pete Buttigieg adopts consultant approved listening posture, what does he hear? 

Does Pete even want to be president?  I feel like he’s just queuing up a campaign memoir and a talking head job on MSNBC.  

oh my god why cecilia whyyyyyyyyyyy, I was so happy and unaware

I mean, sounds pretty similar to the “food fight” format we see on CNN, but with people that appeal to a 15-25 demo and they’re promoting brands more than agendas. Also 11 guests who all love attention and wanting to promote their brands simultaneously just seems like overload.

I’m going to tell myself “ok boomer” on this one. I’m 35 and this made me understand I’m already waaaay outside the loop.

The headline...

He is the OK Boomer meme personified.

Like any conspiracy theory, anti-vaxxers will provide a complicated, yet usually internally-consistent, response to most evidence-based questions. Really, you have to have some training in epidemiology, or at minimum biology, in order to really parse through how their response doesn’t correspond with available

209 squat, 138 bench, 265 deadlift.

I woke up feeling, you know.. Not so fresh. But now I feel fresh as fuck. Thank you Gentildouche!

Mesa county is one of the least Communist counties in the state..... Looking at you Denver and Boulder

kind of like the geopolitical difference between a pimp breaking your knee caps and taking your wallet vice just menacingly waving a baseball bat near your knees while you hand him your wallet.

I don’t have a road trip but I got the view from my soon to be new office...

Oh my god, it must be AWFUL. I’ve worked at companies that have shut down large departments before (including mine, once) and everyone just turns into zombies. I have so much sympathy and respect for everyone who is holding on - because they love their job, because they need their job, whatever - and Spanfeller can go

“having a climate controlled party deep in Elon’s underground bunker.”

I’d watch that movie. 

Kusha, particularly with corn, sounds pretty much synonymous with dishes documented being made by Native Americans at first contact throughout the East Coast. The native West African version is synonymous with gruels and porridges throughout the Old World, including cream of wheat and oatmeal, which were difficult to

We do not have a large staff at the moment. The editor of The Slot recently departed. I—a staff writer who primarily writes Slot posts—have been busy taking care of my boyfriend in the hospital for a week while the rest of my colleagues produced a few Impeachment-related posts this week and last.

I hear ya but they’re down a few bodies in the Jezebel war room and doing all they can to give us some decent content.