
Absolutely right.  Just commented the same - you don’t even have to be invited to the party and you’re compromised.  But not AS compromised, and you don’t have to make it easy for them. ;)

That’s fair.  I mean, really, they’re at a point where you’re followed when you were never invited to the party in the first place.

I, for one, welcome our new Rat Person overlords.

Oh, you noticed that too huh?
Everyone is “in bed with the Russians” now.

Last Barf Bag published November 15, 2019.

No Barf Bag?

Rosner added that the primary way of detecting such an event would be seismic; the first underwater nuclear tests in the world, the 23-kiloton Baker nuke at Bikini Atoll in 1945, set off seismographs the world over. There’s been no such indication that any kind of similar event happened on Wednesday.

The real question is why the POTUS has not addressed this conspiracy theory yet. He seems to follow up on most of the others, something like:

Some folks didn’t want to leave the plantation as much as they wanted to stay and rule over it. 

Once again, one group’s oppression does not make them sensitive to differently marginalized groups. Privilege corrupts. In the situations where you have power, it is up to you to ensure openness and fairness. People ssume once they are one minority, they are immune from being intolerant to other minorities.  

Violet.. I read my post again, and noticed how many times I used first person, the word “I” and about what I do. Not really presented as, “everybody should” although maybe my first line may not follow.
Also, given that a day later, 68 people have “saved” my post, and some have gone to the trouble of verifying my

In college I got swimmer’s ear (external ear infection) constantly. When I shower, I get a bit of water trapped in my ear canals. It would get so infected that it would close up the infected ear canal.

God Bless America and it’s healthcare system.

I can’t believe Deadspin is still listed on the header. They got rid of Splinter jiffy-quick

I miss everything about Gawker.

Right, but a cartel doesnt murder us on the way there here. (A lonely guy with a grudge does.)

Ariana registering 20,000+ people to vote at her shows is actually kinda a big deal.

Old man checking in....

Q Tips work. and work well, if done correctly.