
For me, the scariest bits are the occupation and education fields. It was looking up education that first led me to that document (and ones like it from previous years). Things like “161 Members of the House (36.6% of the House) and 53 Senators (53% of the Senate) hold law degrees” explain a lot.

They don’t HAVE to. They can certainly die thinking the universe will cease to exist once they’re dead. Stupid and delusional, but that’s up to them.

but it’s certainly the same sort of punching down

respect is bidirectional. and baby boomers shouting down young people with little more than the assertion that their opinion doesn’t matter because they are young is so common that it has given rise to this catchphrase. This all the worse because demonstrably science shows that those concerend with climate change are

“Lack of disrespect,” lol.

They aren’t always this bad. It’s usually on hot topics about politics.

Respect is earned, not given freely. If someone heckles a member of parliament during her speech about climate change to mock her age, they have not earned respect. If someone denies climate change is a problem, especially to the faces of people who will be affected by it, they have not earned respect. And if someone

I’m Gen-X and feel the same.

...and the average age of the top 3 Democratic candidates for president is 75, all vying to run against the 73-year old Trump,

If I’m wrong, and proudly stupid, and will not change, then I deserve to be disrespected. At any age.

I think that’s why people are using “boomer” as shorthand instead of “old person,” I think there’s a difference. I think the use of “boomer” as a pejorative has more to do with a sense of ingrained privilege and the dismissal of progressive ideas than it does strictly age (though age is a component).

There is a third group: large kangaroos.

People keep saying this, while ignoring the quantifiable differences between a typical “old vs young” debate and the current one. 11,000 scientists talk about an upcoming climate disaster, and the “old” group mocks the “young” one for saying environmental changes need to be sweeping and immediate, according to

I think what we’re seeing is the meaning of “Boomer” changing to not mean an old person in general but a specific type of old person. The word is being used to identify a Boomer mentality: selfish, gluttonous, variably racist/sexist, regressive, close-minded, misinformed at best, willfully ignorant at worst, clinging

Not if you don’t go to every length to keep the people who policy effects from having the power to decide said policy. Boomers in government actively resist younger blood getting into office and enacting change. they are scared new generations are trying to steal all the shit they were just given and didn’t earn.

Republicans haven’t given an inch in compromise since before Obama was in office. Fuck collaboration. 

The scarier thing is nearly a third of both houses list politician as their occupation. They have never actually worked in the real world their entire lives. Public service is important, but spending some time in reality is nice as well.

As a Boomer, and a really old one, I love this response to Old Climate Deniers. Having said that, I’ve always understood these generation labels to be misleading categorizations. The functional divide here, across all of these labeled generations, is the one between fact-based and faith-based ideation. Climate is

I’m a boomer (barely) and LOVE the okay boomer trend LOL It’s funny because it’s true but now I’m sad because climate change :(