Eric, are you the guy who banned me on Lifehacker?
Eric, are you the guy who banned me on Lifehacker?
Eric, are you the guy who banned me on Lifehacker?
Eric, are you the guy who banned me on Lifehacker?
This comment took me on quite a journey.
Esther, if Tiffany Trump enjoyed vaping, could you be friends with her?
Then how are these little shits going to learn about hard work and boot straps if we insist on providing them luxuries like corndogs and (ketchup is) vegetables?
Oppenheim is effectively calling Farrow’s book “fake news”.
Epstein, though?
Hey, Biji, since Splinter is dead, and Kinja is terrible right now, who knows how much more dialogue we may have, so first a question, and then a wholly unrelated comment:
That was funny, Max!
Also, did she go to Standing Rock to represent “her people”?
jinni, I can’t reply to your post on the other thread. Which explains my absence, not Splinter tanking. Thank you, though.
With apologies, as I am no Manchu Candidate: (“Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy...”)
The Bears Americans are who we thought they are.
(whispers quietly, barely audible)
Call me crazy, but I’m starting to get the vague sense that we may not be able to just reach across the aisle and reason with these folks.
You know they are selling these ads for like pennies.
At a later date, once Kinja has tanked completely, the starless comments will be rounded up, and...sent upstate to live on a farm. They will be happy there, and get to play all day.
My opinion stepping back to look at the forest: There are lots of stupid people in the base, but there are also just lots of just self interested people in the base.
FC, I respect your intellectual processes, even as I disagree with you on much. On that note, lead me through your larger world view a bit?
See. Now dammit.